Dont use / or !!!!
I did a test added 2 privkeys with small amount of satoshis to test out this guy... and guess what, he took 1600+ and 1200+ satoshis!!!!
I advise everyone to setup your own localy and use the source code they don't wanted to share... Now i see whay they dont shared it !!!! they try to fish peoples who use their sites... If u find a key in their site it will sent alert to them aswell... Never even go in at thoose sites, next is to see if they have MITm code, so far i dident found yet.
You can choose to view transactions or only final balance by channg the booth lines to : final_balance or total_received . I personally run it with total_received.
here is the source:
(function() {
var _0x44e0x1 = document['querySelectorAll']('.list-group-item a[href*="blockchain"]');
var _0x44e0x2 = [];
for (var _0x44e0x3 in _0x44e0x1) {
if (_0x44e0x1[_0x44e0x3]['href'] != undefined) {
_0x44e0x2['push'](_0x44e0x1[_0x44e0x3]['href']['substring'](_0x44e0x1[_0x44e0x3]['href']['lastIndexOf']('/') + 1))
addr = _0x44e0x2['slice'](0, 200);
var _0x44e0x4 = '' + addr['join']('|');
var _0x44e0x5 = new XMLHttpRequest();
_0x44e0x5['open']('GET', _0x44e0x4, true);
_0x44e0x5['onreadystatechange'] = function() {
if (_0x44e0x5['readyState'] != 4) {
var _0x44e0x6 = true;
try {
_0x44e0x6 = JSON['parse'](_0x44e0x5['responseText'])
} catch (e) {};
if (!_0x44e0x6 || !_0x44e0x6['addresses']) {
var _0x44e0x7 = true;
for (var _0x44e0x3 in _0x44e0x6['addresses']) {
var _0x44e0x8 = _0x44e0x6['addresses'][_0x44e0x3];
var _0x44e0x9 = document['querySelector']('.list-group-item a[href*="' + _0x44e0x8['address'] + '"]');
if (_0x44e0x9) {
var _0x44e0xa = document['createElement']('span');
_0x44e0xa['className'] = _0x44e0x8['
total_received'] == 0 ? 'label label-success' : 'label label-success';
_0x44e0xa['innerText'] = parseFloat((_0x44e0x8['
total_received'] * 0.00000001)['toFixed'](12));
_0x44e0x9['parentNode']['insertBefore'](_0x44e0xa, _0x44e0x9['nextSibling']);
if (_0x44e0xa['innerText'] != 0) {
alert('You found a Transaction!!')