Time to keep full stop to the hackers.
This is how they get your passwords,
They sqlinject the website and get to admin database containing username and password,
the passwords are in the format of md5hash which is visible to admin only, and this can be used to hack your account when hacker gets your md5hash details.
So inorder to protect yourself, please follow the following steps
admin has the database which contain the following example
Username: brad1
b4d9c1694b0d0381cecfb246708f7615 (it is in md5hash format = waterman)
The hacker takes the md5 hash to this website
http://www.md5crack.com and enters the md5hash and it cracks the password, which is
waterman So inorder to protect your account:
1.Type your password here:
http://md5cracker.org/create-md52.copy the md5hash generated
3.paste the copied md5hash here:
http://www.md5crack.comIf it gives out your password, then your account can be compromised and hacked at any given moment, so change it immideatly
Try your new password again until you get the result:
unable to crackThen your password is safe from hacking
Password: 1gone2MOUNT4dinos
Md5hash: 037899bacec67f369fc957fb8e35c97c
You will get this result
http://prntscr.com/6zl3ynFollow this and keep your accounts safe!