Up to now people that want to donate for an emergency cannot properly monitor the money flow of their donations, indeed the percentage of money that effectively arrive to who need it is often unknown. On the other side local civil protection organizations, municipalities and single citizens in many cases have to wait months or even years to receive contributes. So why don’t use Bitcoin in these fileds?
Helperbit will put in contact who can be affected by a natural disaster with whom empathize with him, offering a geographical information system platform that help both the victim and the donator.
Helperbit is a bitcoin-based platform, this means that the system is 100% transparent, quick and efficient.
We are working on the Alpha version and soon we will need testers that will take part into some simulations to check the platform performance.
Share our project through Facebook and Twitter with your friends and help us to reach a huge volume of supporters, because Helperbit needs a wide user base to perform the best.
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