Politics and liberty are diametrically opposed: one frees, the other limits. I'm sure the LP is well meaning but, as with anyone who lives with a political-centric mindset, they're naive; only thing the LP would be able to do is either slow/halt the state or repeal law, and the latter is just impossible--the state is like a business, and none of the business's many wealthy benefactors are going to accept less influence. These men don't play by the rules, they make the rules for the naive to abide by, which is why they have the power and those who play by the rules do not, but wind up, at best, as enforcers of the rules.
Anyway, a silly article written by a silly person: once again, anarchism is misunderstood as some impossible ideal where
some centralized use of force is necessary for survival because "we don't live in a perfect world with perfect people"--but perfect enough to maintain a centralized monopoly over the use of force, apparently, because that's always worked out peachy right? Oh what's this, a piece of paper limiting the power of government, enchanted by almighty Zeus no less? Oh wow where have I heard this one before...oh that's right, back in the 1700's, a time where slavery was still a-ok, used with a nation that became the greatest force against liberty known to date, which wound up getting ignored in the end anyway. Goddamnit, Jeff, just get a fucking gun and do your own dirty deeds if you really feel force is a good thing, stop supporting the enslavement of those around you just so you don't have to sort out your own conflicts and apparent bloodlust. Oh, and this is just the icing on the cake:
I'm a Christian Conservative Constitutionalist (in that order). I own a marketing company in Northern Indiana & I ran for US Congress in 2014 as a liberty candidate.
What a hypocrite; he's no better than the people he's calling out. Fucking unreal.