A note to anyone thinking of buying this, buying email addresses where the user has not opted in to getting promotional emails and such is illegal.
I'm unsure how it would work since they willingly put the email on the page themselves, but I still doubt that it is within the bounds of the law.
1) It is not illegal to buy email addresses, unless someone was murdered for them and you had a part in the murder. But that would be the crime of involvement in murder, not a crime of buying email addresses.
2) Craigslist has an option for every post that people check YES
"ok for others to contact you about other services, products or commercial interests"or
"do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers"3) Instead of speaking on behalf of my entire 7825 contact list, maybe you could reconsider.
4) I direct you back to #1. There is no law against buying email addresses for any reason, of any sort. Check for yourself, ask a lawyer, or provide the legal reference number so that others may see if you know what you are talking about.