May 20, 2015, 05:44:44 PM |
Thanks for all the advice...
I am currently with Hostgator for one website, but am not renewing. I am not happy with them at all.
I am filling my Drive up now... not sure how much she will hold before I max out, but you can link.. I have several Gmail accounts, so I may do it that way.
I see the "get your free 50GB" ads all over, but there is always a catch to them...
One.com has a good deal going. Absolutely free domain registration and one year of hosting, then renew at higher rates. I signed up there with my herbal supplement domain name, but may have to use that for now too since I don't have the herbal site built yet. And of course, I cant get another free deal like that through them. Although I may try to sign-up in my girlfriends name to get the deal. Works for getting multiple .99cent domains from Godaddy.... so who knows..
This is clearly a situation in which I did not think things all the way through. I spent weeks getting all of my paperowkr filed, obtaining licenses, submitting documents, for wholesale accounts, registering domains, setting up merchant accounts and getting it all approved and verified. But never took design/hosting costs into consideration. So, now I am able to function fully as an online retailer and have nowhere to set-up shop and no way to build the shop, even if I had the spot.
Learned my lesson!