Let's start again.
- Create full wallet offline
- Encrypt full offline wallet you just created with strong password (Armory will prompt you to do this automatically)
- Create a watching only copy of that offline full wallet
- Move the watching only wallet to online machine
- Keep full wallet file on the offline machine only
- Generate address with the online watching only wallet
- Send your 100 coins to the address you just created in the online watching only wallet
The watching only wallet MUST be generated from your full offline wallet. Do not make any mistakes with this, it is your responsibility. You can be sure the watching only copy is definitely derived from the full offline wallet by checking the wallet ID code is the same for each wallet filename. The wallet ID code is also displayed in the Armory application in the wallet info.
Disable external storage device "autostart" feature, on both the online machine and the offline machine. Details of how to do this comprehensively differ depending on the operating system on the each computer. You will need to find instructions to do this for your computer's operating system(s) for yourself. Yes, if possible, use a CD-ROM to transfer the watching wallet copy to the online.
The above represents best practice as far as I am aware at this point in time (and I follow all my own advice with this issue).