I need to understand better this.
win 7 64b, armory 0.93.1, bitcoin 0.10
I have Armory installed on a different drive. On the same drive I also have the bitcoin sw.
The settings of armory are pointing to this drive. Everyting is working fine.
I rescanned the entire blockchain, but now i see that armory has put 2 copies of the blocks. One in the said drive (some 38GB of data) and a similar block in the /username/appdata/roaming/armory/databases (another 38GB).
This is an SSD and I don't want it there.
The only difference I see it that the AppData the dir "databases" is made on one giant file named "blocks" of 36GB and some other small files (headers, history, txhints and their realtive lock files) and there is no "blocks" dir.
In the armory directory of the regular drive I have the dir "blocks" that is made of the hundreds of "*.dat" files totally another 36 GB of data while the dir "databases" is just a small "log" file of 1k.
The bitcoin dir "database" is empty.
So, why do I have 2 sets of 36BG lying around ? Can I move them in one drive and if so how ?
I've been using armory since 0.9 so I think I know what I am doing, but this double set of data is buffling me.
Any help ?
I just asked this same question in a new thread a few minutes ago. Kind of the same exact situation. I have a 40GB file called BLOCKS in /username/appdata/roaming/armory/databases folder. It was not there prior to me importing my wallet. After the import, file appeared. Need to find out how to change this. Can't mess with the Windows path statement, so I really hope Armory has a solution.