With the way I am pulling prices now, I am having some small issues with my algorithm spitting out some values that are not expected. I am working on setting up a new algorithm that should work a little better than what I am using, I totally understand what you mean by prices being out of whack. Thanks for posting this info. I will work on getting this fixed.
Just so everyone knows where get my values from, I am using TradeHill Ticker and bitcoincharts 24h average. For some reason my algorithm is reducing the value it gets by up to 50% at times, This has all been hapening in the past few days, I think this is why people are complaining about shipping charges, Values are screwed up. I will post back when the values are ok!
Aah okay, nice to know you're working on fixing it!
Something I'm interested in, and I'm sure others are as well, is this one,
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116401&Tpk=Intel%20Pentium%20G620T (Intel Pentium G620T, 35W).
Low power consumption, gotta love it!
Edit: Awesome! looks like you got it fixed, now all we need is that cpu so I can buy it.
Hello, That cpu has been in the store for a while. heres the link! Thanks for requesting something to be added!