I am sorry to drone on about this but, how do you know that Staisybit (SB) is coming back online? You are not directly involved and have no direct line of communication to Alberto and say that he has a communication disability and you ask us to trust him?
I am the dev for Bitz and Alberto was happy to take my Bitcoins to integrate Bitz into Staisybit and there was a lot of .......
First of all no, you're not droning, i am understanding your anger and i am not having problems with discussing concerns or critics,
your last answer sounds much better, this is the level i can discuss anything at any time and i mostly agree with what you said.
Of course i have not promised everything gonna be fine because i can't, because of two things,
FIRST because trusting Alberto, is a personal, subjective opinion and though i am quite experienced in profiling partners, i could be potentially wrong. (though i don't think so)
i have seen so many things in our world, unfolding, that would have been considered as impossible, that i would never dare to say never.
SECOND I don't have enough control over this project to influence any outcome except, i am not only trusting Alberto, but he also (i think so) trusts me.
and that gives me a voice (if i meet him)
But there was a promise in my post, thats correct: I promised, that i cannot run away, because i am a public person for different reasons
1) it my concept of a character to stand for my actions and opinions and i am not used to run away and i feel to have a better life as a honest person
2) being glassy is a condition that comes with my profession as a search engine optimizer and social marketer
3) I would know, how to hide things, if i would like to, but hiding MYSELF has gotten nearly impossible
4) I freaking love it
and additionally i promised, I was, i am and will be advocating in favor of you.
And then i will do my best to change things from my (as i said) limited position
nice we returned to a better level of communicating,
lets keep it like that, i am (and also methamorphin is) on your side and i am a voice for you
AND i am on Albertos side as a friend
and as someone, who is not willing to see a project fail, where i am involved in.
thank you
You are the owner of staisybit, right? It sounds a bit strange to me that depositors ask for withdrawal and you did not allow it yet. Because that would have meant that all the negativity could have been avoided.
So what I would like to ask is... do you have control about the coins at all or is that Alberto guy (the name gives bad associations to me) controlling it?
So could you refund everyone now at all, maybe even manually. Just if the possibility is there for you at all at this point.
Thank you for asking, this is a very important question, given our situation. So let me give you a clear picture about everybody's role in this Project.
some some hintsHow we came to know each otherAlberto has worked on staisybit about two years, when he came up in my Europecoin Thread and reported a security hole in my software.
As you as maintainer should be in such a moment i have been careful because he was a stranger to me, but on the same time, ignoring such a report would be
irresponsible too. So i met with him via Skype and that was how we came to know each other.
I liked him and he offered me to help and to fix the problem. On that time, i witnessed him, programming big chunks of Staisybit, administering several other projects,
fixing my walled in a matter of a day AND passing his PHD in Computer science at the same time. I found him to be a very very sensitive, kind person,
but i my self now lived over 45 years with ADHS conditions, witch can make you to be a powerhouse if you control it, and destroy you life in a matter of weeks it it controls you.
therefore i already knew the outcome of excessive working, i did the same when i was at his age (20 years ago)
and i also ignored all warning from friend and felt to be able to go at that speed for ever. Its not difficult to guess how this ended and because i am born into a economical lucky environment,
i managed to learn and to get over this. THE BEST DRUG THAT HELPS IS A DOG ;-) After fixing my wallet and possibly saving my project
(it was about a month before all coins with a Peercoin base began suddenly to suffer massive attacks - thank you Alberto!) he helped me to add several features to Europecoin.
So you know a bit deeper why i think to understand, how Alberto is "functioning" and how we came to be friends.
As some may know, after having solved my own issues, i began to understand that i will never want to work for anything again except for my own visions.
After 2 / 3 Years of excessive learning by founding and busting companies i founded szenekonzept.de witch earns my living now since 11 Years, and from that turning point on,
i never busted a project or company again.
When i realized that Alberto had finished the Staisybit Software, but hadn't the money th get it started, i partnered with methamorphin and we helped to kickstart the project.
This is why we are shareholders of a small percentage of staisybit (me 15%).
Because he began to work even more, and i voluntary took over some of the marketing (especially twitter) we didn't got to introducing me into the software and the server environment.
Given that its a highly secured system and we planned to get me advised, i never touched the technical part, to not compromise the security.
So i can enter any area in our slack and that's all i can access more then you can..
with this hint you may understand how it came to be, that we are involved and friends though we seem to not be able to talk to Alberto either.
And we are from different countrys (me in Germany, he in Italy), witch makes it difficult to get there and to take more control (though i already considered even that)
summary of the roles and sharesAlberto, creator founder, Programmer ~over 50% can access everything
some investors, he got in using his shares: unknown friends of Alberto, unknown percent
Metamorphin enthusiastic helper everywhere somehow around equal the amount of share like me
Me Marketing, Communication, 15% can access slack
puh that was long, but i think you have a right to know