a few months ago i made a 0.55 ltc withdraw and i received it. that was the first and last time i got paid. this site owns me 1,80 ltc since then.
a week ago they changed the owner so i guess they would say if i would ask them where my ltc is: "we cant do anything about your payment because its the old owners fault".
a few days ago i made a 0.25 ltc withdraw and i didnt received it. at first i thought it will take a week or something but the owner "communicates" with the users through pop ups you get when you visit the site and two days ago there was a message of the owner saying something like "we pay you everyday, but there is no big support from you. please click the ads"
they pay out everyday? so why didnt i received the 0.25 ltc i requested a few days ago?
i think the new owner is the old owner in reality and he just buys time with this trick to make money with the ads. today i saw again a message from the owner that he wants to sell his puddle network.......lol? the "new" owner wants to sell it after just a week? ehm okay.............
he/she/it is a scammer. dont visit this site anymore. dont lose your time like i did