July 06, 2015, 10:28:07 AM |
I'm new to Bitcoin.
I signed up on this forum yesterday, and I see lots of potential. People are eager to make Bitcoins in alternative ways. They want to live a more free lifestyle, but there are not many good and well paid opportunities, unless someone thinks out of the box and create a new business idea or is good at being an affiliate etc.
We can make a revolution in the way people work and make money.
I don't think an internet based company with no owners have been invented yet? A company that owns itself, and has its own "mind". The company will need people to do big or small projects, and then it will pay for every completed projects based on supply and demand or votes.
Because no one owns the company all the profits will go back to those that do the jobs/projects.
The mission of the company is to uplift humanity, sell the best product or service and offer the best jobs and commission.
A company like this will be much stronger in competition and have an extreme growth. That is why this is a revolution.
First we need to figure out what digital service the company should provide.
How to automate the job offerings.
It has to be a manger free company. In the old system all the managers are often useless and make too much money. With the right system, the company will run itself.
If the company is a success, then we need to make more companies with other services, so they can compete with the old system.
The first company could offer a simple service, so we can experiment with building the right system. It is important to get it off the ground fast, so it is not getting too complicated and difficult.
If we create the right automatic system, then we are basically making an Artificial Intelligence. It is the system, that makes it alive.
Let us brainstorm ideas...