I didn't go all in, but with China & Greece/EU implosions also going down at the same time, and news outlets seem to be making a much bigger deal out of this than it should be (ie: covering their own asses so they can claim they warned everyone), I didn't want to be that guy not holding when the shit goes down. Bitcoin has reached an equilibirum over the last 6 months, and with a halving coming in around 53 weeks, the risk side isn't that high anyway.
uh no not today... price is a bit higher than i feel comfortable buying moar at.. however... i already bought the week before last just as it started upwards. i was going to buy before then but i missed that one due to not paying close enough attention. i had been focused on my book... however, when i did buy i bought a good amount of them that i could afford at the time . i ussually buy only buy one or two at a time but considering that the 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system is slowly imploding i decided to buy much more than usual. you probably still made a good call though in the long run, maybe even short run... there is one thing for sure though: we going to go find out.