Hello there!
This has dragged on too long. I think this would be my first and last chance for doing any Bitcoin start-up. So! This is a draft of my project. Please read it carefully and pick out its problems if you like. Then vote or not vote as you wish. More details and FAQ should be added later. But if it couldn't pass [votes as support > votes as not support] within 24h, this draft might be suspended indefinite. Until I have any chance to improve it enough for bring it back or discard it and bring the alternative project. Or we'll never or do not need to know the results because of the happy Mayan and their calendar.
Draft of Project π a.k.a. Project-PiSummaryThe initial objectives of the project is to reached 3.14T/hs ASIC based mining operation within one year. The mining operation will be setup in low energy costs places/countries and a part of fund will be reserve for the renewable energy system.
Dividend Policy50% of the profit will reserved as company development fund.
30% of the profit will be paid out as dividends.
10% of the profit will reserved as cash reserve fund.
5% of the profit will reserved for salaries back up fund.
5% of the profit will reserved for non-profit purposes fund.
(The above proportion could be allocates dynamically on quarterly basis and could be subject to change after IPO finished by the mentions/votes.)
Use of development funds60% of the funds will be use for purchase, build and maintain mining rigs.
20% of the funds will be use for R&D, build, maintain and funding renewable energy system and related projects which could be directly help to our mining operation.
10% of the funds will be use for personnel and miscellaneous expenses.
10% of the funds will be reserved and could be use for any purposes which directly help to our project.
(The above proportion could allocates dynamically on monthly basis and could be subject to change after IPO finished by the mentions/votes.)
IPOTotal 140,000 shares, 0.05BTC per share.
Kick-start thresholdAt least 350B or 7,000 shares should be sold within 14 days. Or the project could be terminated by the vote of shareholders if not reached this criterion.
Full contract1. Project π a.k.a. Project-Pi is a GLBSE-listed company (GLBSE ticker symbol:[reserved]). It contains 140,000 shares in
total. Each share gets 1/140,000 of both the voting power and the dividends from the Project π.
2. The total dividends are equal to the total net gains from it's operation. Dividends will be paid monthly on each first Tuesday, Hong Kong time.
3. Investors privately buying more than 14,000 shares will get 5% extra shares, as well as a position on the board of Project π.
4. Members of the Project π board have the right to access all details and data of Project π.
5. The issuer of Project π could stop selling more Project π shares if the necessary expense requirement is already met with the funds raised.
6. Motions are needed to change the portion of the total dividends from the total net gains.
Please note: This is a draft currently. More details and FAQ should be added later. If not pass [votes as support > votes as not support] within 24h, this draft might be suspended indefinite.