When you opened this thread you asked the community, and since I am a member of the community, you asked me.
I have well over 11 BTC, and since I am using Bitcoin properly, only one transaction is sent to each address of mine. This however does not mean that it would be a good idea to trust me with PayPal.
Proof of transactions with virwox does not mean anything and neither does the fact that your PayPal account is "business verified". The fact remains that all types of accounts are sold both in the digital goods section and in the Dark Web.
Anyone that does accept PayPal from you is going to demand a very large premium which will make withdrawing to your bank account much more attractive to you, unless of course you are one of the many PayPal scammers.
You act like somehow BTC is actually better then Paypal.
The truth of the matter anyone who buys/sells online uses paypal. Including website owners.
BTC is the minority.
I work online and withdrawing to the bank takes 3 buisness days. I have a debit card and my account was never sold.
I don't need what you think on my thread. I have bought things here twice and been scammed twice.
SO excuse me I didn't even "dispute" the two scams because its really not worth the time lesson learned.
One was $15 for pizza and one was $10 for BTC. So why not go with smaller amounts? Well I could if you are full member or above easily.
There are millions of Paypal users and not quite so much for Bitcoin. So when you are trying to limit out paypal users as scammers just because they have a paypal acocunt makes you look so smart.
It means nothing nothing means nothing because you say so? I didn't know you were teh authority around here. Proof is proof it means I buy BTC reguarlly and have no reason to take your Bitcoin without paying you. I can also pay via debit card to your paypal and WU.
Thanks for your opinion though. All major website deals are done through Paypal not Bitcoin that is why I have paypal as I work with websites.