I am not worried about it...I think I have plenty of trust. I was not aware of how the older it is the more points you got. I agree with not leaving feedback for small trades 100%. I never leave even a neutral for escrows unless it is large.
I'm happy you aren't angry. I didn't look if someone is on default trust or so when i enforced the new policy.
At the moment i only leave neutral ratings for non-account-related trades that are at least $50 worth. They are neutral then and only informative about that a user already traded certain amounts. I think knowing these things is still better than an empty trust page.
My new policy is, by the way:
* No trust rating to account sellers, buyers or the account traded. Because i cant tell if the buyer is using the bought account from now on or if he will sell it shortly after. And i cant tell if a seller is selling the seller account shortly after too.
* No trust rating at all to escrowed amounts worth <$50.
* Deals where i was escrow should not get green trust since there is no risk involved to buyer and seller. So i can give a neutral trust (see trust options, neutral is a comment only and doesnt affect the rating) to them when rule 2 does not apply. I will state the escrowed amount as risked btc and mention that it is the escrowed amount.
* Exceptions of the above rules are possible if i trust a person really. Have the impression that he showed he is a honest guy or something like that.
* I will only give one trust rating and try to put all ratings in one rating. I will only delete neutral ratings to consolidate, because of the time factor.