well usa stock market is crashing maybe some money comes to btc
picks are open
-1.01% to -1.25% philipma1957
+1.01% to +1.25% mavericklm
http://www.bitcoincharts.com/ (-0.33%)
Blocks 371328
Total BTC 14.533M
Difficulty 54256630328
Estimated 54072928836 in 1632 blks
Network total 406132.679 Thash/s
Blocks/hour 6.27 / 574 s
http://btc.blockr.io/charts8 - 22 - 2015 162 +18
8- 23 - 2015 138 - 6 so + 12 blocks for sat and sun
https://blockchain.info/371328 (Main Chain) 2015-08-24 15:25:14
371231 (Main Chain) 2015-08-24 00:10:00
98 blocks vs 93 so + 5
I have us at about +17
We made 384 and 367 is 'norm' this is +4.63%