Hey guys,
thanks for your replies.
I'm coding a bot since 2013. 40 Releases (10 Beta + 30 Officials) :
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=507103.0Users seems happy with that, BUT the story is simple : if you know what to do and how to parametrize the algorithm you can have a profit, if you choose random market and start a "default" bot you will probably have a loss.
Funny. I was made aware of that bot just today, when a member of our trading group (no PnD, it's really a trading group:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=762278.0 ) told me he bought it, when we were talking about current and potential features of my bot.
You're pointing out what I meant: at the end of the day, it's all depending on the settings, strategy etc..
I saw that it's a Java application, so you probably don't have any access to historical trading data? Mine runs on my website, and I'm storing all trades - synchronized with the BTC-e API - in my local database on the server (I have to, because I have to take previous trades into consideration to determine the next entry position). This way, I can monitor the profits nicely and adjust parameters. In fact, I'm planning to auto-analyze the profits, and when profits decrease, the bot will adapt to the current situation by adjusting its parameters.
By the way, you can see its trade results here:
http://bitshit.shice.info/bitshit.frontend/standard/btcewalltraderThat's my overall project. If you're interested in seeing it perform, an account is needed to get access to these pages. No worries, the page is legit. I even have an imprint on the bottom of my website (probably the only person in crypto doing so, heh), and I'm way too passionate about all this stuff here to waste my reputation.
.edit: just had a closer look at CAT - wow, your piece of software really looks sophisticated!
I wrote an amateur arbitrage bot for my own use. It's not that profitable at normal days =/
So I wonder which strategy your bot uses allyouracid ? And are there also days with a negative return?
Basically, it's just a "buy-low-sell-high"-Bot (even though this term does not satisfy all the work and logic I put into it in any way). I haven't implemented any indicators (yet), but I'm planning to do so, because I want to save the user from the "hassle" of determining whether it's a good time to enter a buy- or a sell position. Planning to use EMAs here, set on values which roughly represent the waves on BTC-e's chart.
My intention was to build a trading bot without being influenced by other similar software, so I can make sure that I'm implementing the core exactly in a way I would do it. For that reason, I haven't looked any deeper into existing trading bots.
It already has quite some logic: it determines the volume to check if a price target is realistic to reach, plus it checks the waves/price movement in the past time. For now (remember, the bot is only running since 08/30), I think I have found quite a good way to set price targets. It has already caught some near-tops and near-bottoms.
Because of the way it is built, it has kind of a built-in loss protection. Or, it depends on what you regard as a loss: if you're okay with accumulating BTC, the worst thing that can happen is that the bot buys BTC higher than necessary if a downtrend occurs (but never above the last sell price!). In such situations, users get an email (additionally to the mail after executed trades) which informs them that the bot hasn't made any trades since xx hours.
In that case, you're likely to have more BTC in your account due to previous trades.
The other scenario would be that an uptrend starts. Then, the bot would have sold at its target (determined by the last trade's price) and doesn't find a reentry. Then, the user (currently only me, heh) also gets an email notification. The bot does not reenter the market at a higher price, so in that case, you have maybe sold earlier than necessary, but increased your USD holdings anyway.
The bot works best when the price is moving more or less sideways. It rides the waves up and down, and when it loses track, the user has to decide if/when to reenter the market. Best would be to wait until a certain price level has established.