How do romanian banks work with bitcoin?
Deisgur, nu lucreaza direct cu Bitcoin, dar nici nu intervin atunci cand tranzactiile facut sunt pentru a cumpara Bitcoin.
Is it safe to trade bitcoin with bank transfers?
Da. Nu am intampinat vreodata vreo problema si nici nu am auzit pe cineva sa fi avut vreo problema.
Banca Nationala a Romaniei(BNR) a emis un comunicat legat de Bitcoin anul acesta, in care a specificat doar ca exista ceva riscuri legate de Bitcoin, dar Bitcoin in sine nu este interzis
Link: there any romanian card that will work with bitcoin? Like xapo or advcash?
Din cate stiu nu exista un astfel de card romanesc.
Din cate stiu nu.
Please tell me all prepaid cards that you know and how easy is to get them.
If there are please also contribute directly in that thread.
Nu am folosit carduri prepaid si nici nu tin minte sa fi auzit de vreun produs bancar de tip card prepaid in Romania. Dar asta nu inseamna ca nu exista.
How easy do you think it would be to approach a bank and ask them to issue a prepaid card with your logo and tailored to your needs?
Anyone with experience in that field?
Nu stiu, dar as fi curios sa aflu.