Bither Enterprise Walletpart 3 - Cold HDM
After the previous articles, you may understand the functions of Bither Enterprise Wallet. Companies can build their solid bitcoin management system from deposit to withdrawal, and with the whole querying, monitoring, auditting, API solutions based on Bither.
Now we have another question: If we want to manage some bitcoin assets by multiple people, is there any easier ways to do that?
The answer is: You can use the extended "Cold HDM" model of Bither Enterprise Wallet.
For instance, our company has 1000 BTCs, and we want these bitcoins co-managed by three person CEO, CFO and CTO, each payments should be agreed by two of them. It is a standard Multisig model, and we also want to seperately store these bitcoins on 10 different addresses for flexible purpose.
With Bither's "Cold HDM" model, you can easily satisfy these requirements:
1. Each person in this scenario (CEO, CFO and CTO) should prepare a spared mobile phone, and he should assure to protect this phone and keep it offline.
2. The offline phone is used to run Bither Cold Wallet, the person should use the phone to generate the "Cold HDM Seed". CEO/CFO/CTO should protect their phone and make sure their own "Cold HDM Seeds" are backuped safely and secured.
3. After all related persons have prepared their "Cold HDM Seeds", now we can combine them to "Cold HDM" model.
4. On a Bither Hot Wallet's Multisig mode choosing page, select correct n/m multisig mode. In this scenario, we should select 2/3 (in other cases, you can use 3/5, 5/7 ... too).
5. After choosing the mode, you will see a choosing QR-Codes page. Because it is 2/3, we need 3 persons (CEO/CFO/CTO) to provide their HDM QR-Codes. After scaning all QR-Codes, you will find generating addresses page.
6. After choosing to generating 10 addresses, now you have finished constructing the "Cold HDM" model: 3 related person (CEO/CFO/CTO) hold their own "Cold HDM Seeds", and we have 10 2/3 Multisig addresses, sending bitcoins to these addresses (100 BTCs for each address as planned), then we will finish the model construction.
9. When we want to use some bitcoins from these addresses, because it is 2/3, we need to ask 2 related persons of them to agree, and they should use their Cold phone to "co-sign". After that, the money will be used.
With this "Cold HDM" model of Bither Enterprise Wallet, companies can manage their large amount of the bitcoins in a easier, safer, and more flexible way.