Activity: 1204
Merit: 1000
to your stations, man the pineapples!!!
February 09, 2017, 03:57:17 AM |
changing max_money would require a fork. no idea if dev reads this or not ... hint hint
but if you have no luck extracting keys, a possibility would be building a client with a larger max_money, the transaction would not be legit on the network so should never get any confirms, but the wallet should actually start up as the error seems to do with max_money having a tanty.
and then perhaps reindexing will fix it ..
alternatively, the client should reject attempted transactions over max_money straight away.. this would help with future transactions.
February 09, 2017, 06:27:22 PM |
changing max_money would require a fork. no idea if dev reads this or not ... hint hint
but if you have no luck extracting keys, a possibility would be building a client with a larger max_money, the transaction would not be legit on the network so should never get any confirms, but the wallet should actually start up as the error seems to do with max_money having a tanty.
and then perhaps reindexing will fix it ..
alternatively, the client should reject attempted transactions over max_money straight away.. this would help with future transactions.
I had no luck yet. I'll take you up on your offer because it's clear you are far more experienced with this than me. I'll send you the wallet.dat and we split the coins 50/50. How does that sound? There are about 18 Billion SHND in there. 
Activity: 1638
Merit: 1036
February 13, 2017, 02:56:03 AM Last edit: June 19, 2017, 12:13:27 PM by bumbacoin |
i am helping with glorytimes wallet issue, here is a run down of the issue.all transactions are checked against the variable MAX_MONEY (2billion coins) to ascertain they do not exceed it. official code will allow transactions to enter the wallet.dat that further error checks will reject, effectively breaking the wallet.datif you have two inputs in your wallet of 1.1 billion coins, you send 1.2 billion, the transaction value is 1.2 billion which is < 2 billion, which passes the first round error check and gets entered into the wallet.dat soon enough another round of checks looks at all inputs and outputs. 1.1 input + 1.1 input = 1.2 tx output + 1.0 change output + fee = 2.2 billion which is not < 2 billion so the next error check fails. and yr wallet is now geborken !! -- fixes so far do not require any fork, and are compatible with official qt's,it is only that the official qt's allow you to break your wallet ( as happened with glorytime ). -- if you have geborken your wallet, i have compiled a special increased max_money qt, that should enable you to load your wallet, and export your privkeys to import into a clean wallet. PM me  -- this code bug exists in the Peerunity code base, however it is highly unlikely to ever be an issue for PPC. to be an issue some wallet must have a balance > max_money Stronghands currently has around 90billion coin supply, which is 45x the value of MAX_MONEY ( 2 billion) there are other coins out there that might have the conditions necessary !! be alert !!
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Activity: 1638
Merit: 1036
February 13, 2017, 01:32:34 PM |
i have a quickfix for the problem clients to reject transactions at 1999999999 coins. will build clients tomorrow. .. there is some issue with the way the code handles values, previously a transaction would pass through the credit check (creating the tx), enter into the wallet db, but then fail on the debit check (loading the tx) causing the wallet to refuse to load and quit .. with this "fix" if (dAmount <= 0.0 || dAmount > ((MAX_MONEY / COIN) -1)) it appears that it should reject values of >1999999999 but it still accepts transactions of 1999999999.00000011 so not really sure where the discrepancy in handling is.
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Activity: 1638
Merit: 1036
February 13, 2017, 01:49:59 PM Last edit: February 13, 2017, 02:35:13 PM by bumbacoin |
if anyone has any suggestions as to why the code treats the pre /post error checks differently please add your voice  you can see below, that as long as txout.nValue and nDebit are the same everything should be fine, however, the problem with current code is that it seems to fails on the Debit check. (which is after the tx is added to the wallet, so the wallet then fails to load.) int64 GetCredit(const CTxOut& txout) const { if (!MoneyRange(txout.nValue)) throw std::runtime_error("CWallet::GetCredit() : value out of range"); return (IsMine(txout) ? txout.nValue : 0); } int64 GetDebit(const CTransaction& tx) const { int64 nDebit = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, { nDebit += GetDebit(txin); if (!MoneyRange(nDebit)) throw std::runtime_error("CWallet::GetDebit() : value out of range"); } return nDebit; here's an example of failing transaction, this is after some fucking around, so pure value MAX_MONEY as tx limit is not being used, ie not 2billion coins being sent, from memory i have no idea what was being used at the time . lol but it is true to the behaviour of sending over 2billion sendtoaddress Sh1A3HKCmWHXiwLAEPUDhAH2JhCwxQHbqA 1999999999.999999 error: {"code":-4,"message":"Error: The transaction was rejected. This might happen if some of the coins in your wallet were already spent, such as if you used a copy of wallet.dat and coins were spent in the copy but not marked as spent here."} from debug.log CommitTransaction: CTransaction(hash=1296fcf30a, nTime=1486976866, ver=1, vin.size=2, vout.size=2, nLockTime=0) CTxIn(COutPoint(ae178efe20, 0), scriptSig=3046022100d9b652c2500088) CTxIn(COutPoint(b47018e531, 1), scriptSig=30460221008bebbd1a7d525a) CTxOut(nValue=0.870001, scriptPubKey=OP_DUP OP_HASH160 6d24e85c6fda83f7454e20f4796abf16848a0d5b OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG) CTxOut(nValue=1999999999.999999, scriptPubKey=OP_DUP OP_HASH160 d832f6a6d6b39a2631c26fe42c8f049795840fdc OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG) keypool keep 9 AddToWallet 1296fcf30a new WalletUpdateSpent found spent coin 1999999999.98ppc ae178efe20c6fcdaac9197087b5ef5378392f6fde0a01871c9538d06e61c0041 WalletUpdateSpent found spent coin 1999999999.97ppc b47018e53178a5e80a78dcc60f40d2058953a5d873ec6f22c451b0d59b571fce ERROR: CTransaction::CheckTransaction() : txout total out of range ERROR: CTxMemPool::accept() : CheckTransaction failed CommitTransaction() : Error: Transaction not valid
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Activity: 1638
Merit: 1036
February 14, 2017, 07:33:04 AM Last edit: February 14, 2017, 07:43:57 AM by bumbacoin |
okay, well this error exists in current Peerunity code i'm guessing all the PPC clones have it ?? obviously only a problem in a coin with so much cash that any pleb can have more than MAX_MONEY.
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Activity: 1638
Merit: 1036
February 14, 2017, 09:09:34 AM Last edit: February 16, 2017, 06:09:24 AM by bumbacoin |
Sadly first quick fix (v0130) didnt work for all occasions. See below for second fix v0140 For anyone with a broken walleti have compiled a SPECIAL QT with increased Max Money !!!! this should enable you to open your wallet and extract the privkeys, then you can import them into a new wallet please PM me and i'll send you a copy. it's not for general use. this is the expected error for such a borken wallet EXCEPTION: St13runtime_error CWallet::GetDebit() : value out of range ppcoin in ThreadStakeMinter()
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): CWallet::GetDebit() : value out of range
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February 14, 2017, 02:30:40 PM |
A big thank you to bumbacoin/pineapples, he fixed the SHND wallet issue I experienced and was able to retrieve my coins. Just letting everyone know in case you ran into a similar issue, his solution works. Here's a new Win wallet with the MAX_MONEY quickfix. it will only allow you to send a maximum amount of 1999999999 coins. preventing the broken wallets that have been happening. it is not a mandatory upgrade, it is only to prevent a possible breakage of yr wallet. .. For anyone with a broken walleti have compiled a SPECIAL QT with increased Max Money !!!! this should enable you to open your wallet and extract the privkeys, then you can import them into a new wallet please PM me and i'll send you a copy. it's not for general use. this is the expected error for such a borken wallet EXCEPTION: St13runtime_error CWallet::GetDebit() : value out of range ppcoin in ThreadStakeMinter()
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): CWallet::GetDebit() : value out of range
Activity: 1638
Merit: 1036
February 16, 2017, 02:48:57 AM |
oops, further testing means the quickfix isnt as useful as i first thought. the problem lies where the combine transaction inputs exceed 2 billion. so if you have two inputs of 1.2 billion, and you send even 1.3 billion coins, then because the outputs of 1.3 + 1.1 (change) = 2.4 billion > MAX_MONEY then the wallet will break. am still working on it, i hope to allow sending amounts of 2 billion. but the obvious next step quick fix is to reduce possible sending to 999,999,999 so please, for now with any current available client, do not send 1 billion or over 
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Activity: 1638
Merit: 1036
February 16, 2017, 06:15:20 AM Last edit: February 17, 2017, 04:54:51 AM by bumbacoin |
Introducing 2nd generation fix !!!
Reducing possible spend amount to 1 billion coins,
.. will test further and see about increasing maximum spend value. but for now, the new version will limit spend to 1,000,000,000 this is due to a bug where the combined inputs of a transaction may exceed MAX_MONEY and break wallet. logic of reducing max spend to 1 billion is that two inputs of over 1 billion may combine to exceed 2 billion. eg. two inputs of 1.1 billion, sending 1.2 billion will combine those two inputs to a value of 2.2 billion which is > MAX_MONEY For anyone with a broken walletit is the wallet.dat that is borken. there is a tx in the wallet.dat that is being rejected by the code. if you have a backup you should be able to just use the backup (will not have borked tx) and all will be fine. alternatively, i have compiled a SPECIAL QT with increased Max Money !!!! this should enable you to open your wallet and extract the privkeys, then you can import them into a new wallet please PM me and i'll send you a copy. it's not for general use. this is the expected error for such a borken wallet EXCEPTION: St13runtime_error CWallet::GetDebit() : value out of range ppcoin in ThreadStakeMinter()
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): CWallet::GetDebit() : value out of range
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Activity: 1638
Merit: 1036
February 17, 2017, 03:21:39 AM |
just discovered SHND is on novaexchange, have let them know what's going on. and other pairings… are we listed anywhere else ??
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Activity: 1470
Merit: 1010
Join The Blockchain Revolution In Logistics
February 18, 2017, 01:30:33 PM |
bumba much respect!
Activity: 1638
Merit: 1036
February 18, 2017, 05:44:41 PM Last edit: February 19, 2017, 02:35:03 AM by bumbacoin |
minor update v 0141 will now account for fees in calculating final send value. if you manually set fees > 1, you can still break the previous version wallet v0140. lol this update is not a necessary update from v0140, it's highly unlikely you'll ever need to manually adjust fees. but is advisable if you are running v012x and have a balance larger than 2 billion. - for brief history of issue being resolved.
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Activity: 1288
Merit: 1000
CRYPTO-CITY.COM 🌟 Communities
February 23, 2017, 09:07:58 AM |
Notify Cryptopia so they can re-open the market.
Activity: 1638
Merit: 1036
February 24, 2017, 12:10:30 AM |
cryptopia have been notified and have apparently updated, market is still closed .. i asked again about market re-opening and just got the reply "Hi bumbacoin, SHND has now been updated. Thanks Cryptopia Support" lol, perhaps if others were to ask as well 
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Activity: 1638
Merit: 1036
February 28, 2017, 07:03:02 AM |
and now market is re-opened on cryptopia !!
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Activity: 1638
Merit: 1036
March 03, 2017, 02:04:12 AM |
i'm auctioning off 1,000,000,000 coins reserve starts at 10k bumba, seems a steal
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March 03, 2017, 02:38:29 AM |
and now market is re-opened on cryptopia !!
Wow, looks like you saved SHND from a certain death! Well done. I might just get back into the SHND game again 
March 03, 2017, 02:45:15 AM |
wow had a bunch of flashbacks seeing cryptsy in the ANN title. lol
March 03, 2017, 08:43:09 PM |
wow had a bunch of flashbacks seeing cryptsy in the ANN title. lol
I wonder if the owner of this thread is still around to change the ANN title from Cryptsy to Cryptopia!