Hey. Recently I've taken a liking to a girl at my school, and I would like some creative, cheap, and not necessarily Bitcoin-Related date ideas. Also welcome, creative compliments, creative ways to come back from rejection, etc.
Good posts:
A good compliment is [insert compliment here]
A good date is to take a girl/guy [insert date idea here]
Bad posts:
u shuld tell her "heybby, i wnna tap dat azz. U wanna go?"
Dates are stupid.
Anyways, I don't want this to be just for me, so I'll probably update this post with other peoples ideas as well.
Current Ideas:Creative Compiments:Most women/girls have a favourite accessoire that they wear often and that is different from the current trend, a neclair, earings, a pair of shoes, etc.
Watch her style for a view days until you find out what it is.
Then make a compliment on that specific thing. Note, you must speak the truth, nearly all people notice when you talk about why you like something and you lie. Look until you find something you really like (and not her boobs).
It's easy to tell what someone is proud of with a little observation. And it's hard to make a lie convincing. If you don't like something on someone, don't lie and say you do. Find something else. And please avoid the following.
Things they're obviously uncomfortable aboutRejection:creative ways to come back from rejection
Don't put yourself in a position to get rejected.
As you carry on more and more conversations with her, make sure you're really listening and not just hearing her. Never interrupt her when she's speaking. During the course of the conversation, somehow takeaway something she mentioned, but don't elaborate on it. I'll give you a real life example.
One day, me and girlfriend went to an upscaled mall to do some shopping to augment her wearing apparel. After parking, then proceeding to the entrance, she abruptly stops, and with excitement picks up a dime. A quick exchange pursued whereupon she said, "You don't know about me and dimes. Dimes are like power pieces to me." (New Age lingo) I replied with an, "Ah!"
Come the following day, I entered our bedroom where she was putting on her shoes. I stopped her from completing that task and told her to wait a sec. I left the bedroom, closing the door behind me. Shortly, I returned and told her to close her eyes. I led her barefooted from the bedroom to the hall and walked her to the living room. Then I told her to open her eyes. What she saw 360
o were a hundred dollars worth of dimes laying on the floor in the entire apartment with the exception of the bedroom from where we started. Immediately, she starting crying (I guess so did I). That's how powerful dimes were to her. That's how powerful listening to what she says is.
Later that night, I received a well deserved piece of ass preceded by a blowjob one would die for, and it all started with some stranger losing a dime.
In normal conversation, your lady friend may state that she likes such and such flower. Register it, and surprise her with the biggest batch you can afford. But don't make the mistake of asking her what flower she likes, then going out to buy a couple of them. She's already rewarded others via that approach, thus the surprise factor is already used up.
If she's wearing perfume, simply tell her that smells nice and you like it, without asking her what it is. The chances are good, she'll tell you the fragrance. When she does, don't elaborate, but do retain the info.
Think of it as a game. I'll assume you know how to play games. The goal is to win her without her knowing that she's being gamed. At the end of the game, please report back to your friends here, going into great detail about the epic blo....
Whatever you do, don't tell her about you being a member of BitcoinTalk or what you're pseudonym is, otherwise you're going to wake up one day while she's giving you a coffee edema.
~Bruno K~
Aikido. Be yourself, and enjoy the time together, whatever it is that you are doing. Take her to botanical garden, road trip, dinner, rock climbing gym, drinking, anything - and enjoy those moments to the fullest, just like you would with a close friend. Once she gets to know just how nice and smart and fun guy you are, she'll feel comfortable, and even more importantly - curious. It doesn't take but a few days, and if it takes more than that, then she's a guilt- and fear-ridden freak who is not worth the effort anyway.
Don't just start pouring compliments all over her, pick a moment (walking in a park/ accidental pause in the middle of the conversation/ looking in her eyes for some time) and tell her how beautiful she is. Beautiful just sounds so much more powerful than saying pretty.
you should not even worry whatsoever and let the situation be as natural as possible.
Try being a bit of a dick to her but make her laugh she'll be frothing at the gash mate...
I can second that. Being "nice" to girls just gets you into the Friendzone.
Tucker Max . Don't be an asshole (like Tucker), don't abuse chicks but realize that girls are attracted to alpha males. And alpha males are confident, and a bit of a dick. Beta males are nice. This is why they make such nice friends. You will be so nice and understanding when they weep on your shoulders about that total dick that they fell for who *surprise - surprise * turned out to be a dick!
btcANGEL points out a very important point:
Women (as well as men) have - strongly simplified - 2 layers of decision making. The conscious and the subconscious level. The conscious is easy: these are the things you think of and can logically explain. It's the conscious part of their brain that when posed the question: "what do you look for in a guy" answers things like "I want him to be kind and intelligent, honest and a good listener".
However there is also the subconscious part. This is how your body is wired and how your hormones work. These are your very primal responses to things like anxiety, fear, threat and the most primal of all: the sexual drive. These are the mechanisms shaped by evolution and natural selection. The subconscious looks for very different things in a mate: shelter from threat, power to provide for you and your offspring and strong genetic code to recombine with your own. These are things that can't be interviewed directly so the subconscious is dependent on picking up subtle signs like radiated confidence, social status, accumulated goods, strong body type and good looks (an indication of intact genetic line) etc.
If you end up in the FRIENDZONE that means you met all the criteria of the conscious self but failed the interview with the subconscious part. You pleased their brain but failed to make their pussies wet.
Their conscious self may tell you: "Oh, I love that you are so attentive and you asked me which restaurant we should go to for the date." Meanwhile their subconscious makes a mental note: "No initiative, no drive, no leadership: not the signs of a powerful mate"
You are apparently very good at pleasing the conscious self. Stop worrying about that. Work on broadcasting the proper signals to please their subconscious.
uh oh, that was a long list to read.
Don't make this complicated.
This is how I'd do it.
Go up to her, look at her, and whatever she wears that looks nice, compliment her on it.
For instance: "That's some really nice shoes you've got there, where did you get them from ?"
Most girls would be all smiles from such a question, unless she had really ugly shoes, haha.
Then you have the conversation going, and while the conversation is all lively, mention that you're going to x event (something that doesn't scare here, just an art exhibition, a fotball game or something else where you could share some excitement) and that your best friend ( a boy of course) could not come, and you still have two tickets if she wants to come ? Arrange to have the tickets somehow. Haha.
If you want to make it even better, just ask her the first time for her interests. If she says for instance classical music, the next time you talk to her, you mention that your uncle was in town and had to leave because of a sick wife, but he left you with tickets to a local classical concert, something like that, to make it really exciting and innocent.
And oh.. if you behave sensibly, and she thinks you're interesting, things are not really hard at all, it develops just naturally.
Another thing would be to just ask her if she wanted to have lunch with your. Nothing scary about that!
^ if you compliment a girl on her shoes she'll immediately assume you're gay or worse a shoefag, the rest sounds a 'lil bit creepy, dishonest and cliche'd...... the truth is you're a young man and you want to get her drunk and take advantage of her, just be honest about that from the start and buy a bottle of vodka or something you can both enjoy.