FAQ:Q1: Are you making these or something?I'm a reseller at present. (Toward the goal to launch our own brand in the future of course.)
Q2: Why should I order these board from you?I accept Bitcoin. And I'm willing to risk my own money to order them for resell.
Q3: What products you're provide by now?Cubieboard and
Q4: Will the price be cheaper if buck order?Yes! For the group buying A13-OLinuXino, if the total orders >10 for the first batch, every unit will be cheaper. And this will also applies to the person orders. You can wait until the total orders >10 for cheaper price, or I can conduct your orders immediate by the normal price without any delay.
Q5: What's the daily price calculation way you're used for now?mtgoxUSD 24h Avg. You can check here:
http://bitcoincharts.com/markets/Q6: Could you post pics?Please see these pages:
http://cubieboard.org/2012/09/02/some-pictures-of-cubieboard/https://www.olimex.com/Products/OLinuXino/A13/A13-OLinuXino/Q7: How does this compare to the Raspberry Pi technically speaking?The main difference is the faster CPU(1Ghz). You can also check this page for the specifications of Raspberry Pi:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raspberry_pi#SpecificationsQ8: Can I suggest (older monitor) outputs?It can be done by order A13-OLinuXino which cost almost the same to slightly higher (dependent on the number of orders) compared with Cubieboard.
Q9: Estimated shipping time?May vary in accordance with the manufacturer for each model/product belongs. I'll check for you with your expected order requirements.
Q10: I feel less confidence in shopping in a place other than an independent website?A decent website may be planned and set-up. But keep things simple in the beginning is indeed the current status quo.
p.s. Continued to update.