I had a similar situation when I used Multibit. You have to restart all transactions..
In Multibit it was in Main menu -> Tools -> 'last position in menu' (don't remember name)
it's reset blockchain and transactions. I'm not sure if it does the job when the transaction still exist in the mempool however.
i usually encounter this slow transaction issue too, anyone know a good fee to include such that the tx gets atleast 1confirmation within an hour?
Use cointape.com as a guideline and you would most likely be fine.
I sent some bitcoin this morning to myself, and it is going on 4hrs with no confirmations. I can see it on the block-chain, but there is no confirmations. Anything I can do?
There is something you can do actually ... you can start by giving us the transaction link and tell us what is the wallet you used to make this transaction .
Nevermind. I just hit "Clear unconfirmed transactions" and restarted and it is back
What the....
How did you manage to do that? What wallet were you using? What was the tx id??
For Bitcoin Core, use -zapwallettx to remove any TX that you don't want. But you have to wait for the mempool to drop your transactions as most nodes don't relay a transaction spending the same inputs that is unconfirmed.