Hi everyone, we are building an artificial intelligence based tool to let our clients create rules to profile unknown blockchain users, track and respond to their behaviours (
http://blockchaininspector.com/). The goal is to help prevent identity theft, financial fraud, money laundering and terrorist financing (and so to comply with KYC & AML regulations).
Our solution allows for human reasoning to be integrated and in so doing can transpose the experience of experts into a computer system capable of processing very large amounts of data. To do so, we are providing a graphical artificial intelligence tool to let anyone create user defined fuzzy rules.
We already tested some rules. For example, imagine you are a bank and you know the bitcoin address of restaurants, you can make the rule : “
If a bitcoin user X spend bitcoins regularly between 11am and 2pm in a restaurant then the country of X is the same as the one of the restaurant".
Our proof of concept is working and we will soon start to search for clients but we would like to have more ideas of rules to implement so we could see if all the rules can be created with our tool (our IA tool is already used in other fields…).
Thanks for any help you could provide.