A guy here while back had his cut off while riding a bus.
and more recently a guy stabbed and killed another stranger on a bus.
A chick had her pony tail cut off on the bus recently too
and i heard about the same thing in the UK recently also.
I can hold my own but it's irrelevant.
Unless you live & breath in a state of ultra high paranoia you screwed.
For example..
You *might* think your some kind of tough guy bad ass with 4 black belts for CapaUdoNinjaMMAjuKickate
But i hate to break it to you guys but you would be screwed
If the guy sitting beside you turns around and jabs a thumb in your eye socket and pops your eye out.
I don't give e shit how tough you *think* you are.. it's meaningless.
There is really no "realistic" way to defend against someone intends to kill you dead.
Unless they telegraph it giving you ample warning etc
and then i doubt 99% of people would do anything special anyway.
Like seriously tough guys are ACTUALLY expecting the guy sitting beside
you on the bus to just randomly turn around and saw your head off with a hunting knife ?
You would be fucking dead before you could react !
So this babble about weapons and martial arts & fighting is a crock of shit.
And yeah i have been in lots of street fights too so i am not talking out my ass.
I have had random peaks at this topic and what i found amusing is the general reaction..
As in how the topic got steered etc.
Me i see weapons as a "thing" with many purposes.
Could he decorative for example.. growing up i had samurai swords above my fireplace.
Sure it was fun to sword fight when kids were over visiting but they were decoration and not sharp.
The knife i posted a picture of earlier i took camping and used it for all kinds of tasks.
We could be talking about all kinds of things.. how about sharpening a toothbrush in jail to make a shank ?
How about Rail guns or Nukes ? WW2 seen some pretty big guns !
Nukes are weapons too and i have heard that a projectile made of metal the size of a telephone poll
launched form the Moon at a city would be devastating because of the kinetic impact.
Biological ?
Some have speculated an Alien species could send us a virus via meteor to wipe us all out of the wanted.
How about the Men who stared at Goats that claimed to stop a goats heart by staring it ?
If your wife chasing you around the house with a frying pan is a weapon ?