Homosexuality is not genetic. It is caused by being molested. I have several close gay friends who have confirmed this
your words DICK TRUMP
Well show your so called close gay friends what you have been saying on this thread and lets see how close they are to you now
don.t think i would like to be your close friend anyway STAB YOU IN THE BACK not much of a close friend are you
Oh another thing see why i hate religion ITS MAKING YOU HATE then i hate you
DICK TRUMP i will learn you the ways of life and you can take it on board and change your thoughts or be an ass hole all your life right here goes ..
Being gay is no ones fault it just is and its been going on since the earth began in most animals.
but because we humans spread hate against gays because we think there weak like women that is why most gay men get the abuse.. because most people seem to think its different for women to be gay..well its not its the same..
and that is why gay people get abuse..
And over time as people have had the balls to come out we are now finding its not the case GAYS can come from all sorts of back grounds.. like sport stars.. but still in the 21ST CENTURY there still is i reckon only 15 % of people who would admit to being gay the rest are still hiding behind a wall..
Also what about the people who dabble in it with there wives husbands and still call them selves straight.. there is a hell of a lot of people who will never admit to having a dabble..i reckon hundreds of millions of people still wont admit it..because of hateful people like you..so if this is what you think about being gay imagine what your friends head must be going threw to think society hates him and for what loving the same sex
So why hate something that does no harm to you or anybody else if 2 adults are having sex.. what ever gender they are..
If i had a GOZZY EYE and society said lets kill people with a gozzy eye or ginger hair or a gammy leg
then imagine what my brain is going threw
We humans need to be loved or we feel left out and it can turn anyone crazy to hate mankind
Because of what you think about gays if your gay..or anyone who gets picked on by the majority can turn to hate mankind.
So why put someone threw that feeling because that person has done you no harm he is not trying to turn you gay or hurt you,
he just wants to live a happy life without being singled out as a wrong human being ..
when all the while most gay people are fun loving people who want to harm no one..
See with religion it makes you live a life the way the book wants you to..but if i don,t want to live like that i will go to hell..so because you believe that book you begin to hate so religion as already taught you to hate..
and that is why religion must go
See being gay is not like a religion.. religion is a way of life a law that i think is backward fairy tales..
So if your gay hold your head up and enjoy your life next 50 years it will all be over most people will except being gay is part of human life for some people .
your son daughter might be gay TO HATE THEM IS A CRIME .
More things to worry about than what to consenting adults get up to in bed.. straight or gay..
So i suggest if you want to keep you so called close gay friends change your attitude..
Never to late to change your thoughts not every one is right and your so wrong on this one
And please don.t preach your bullshit about god because there is no god..
I mean i don.t believe in god so why did i win 12 btc on cloud bet funny that he punishes those that pray
WHAT HE WORKS IN mysterious ways you will say
well if thats the case well fuck you god i will never believe in you you horrible shit
see if i win some more so i will enjoy my new year so keep praying you dumb shits