Hey there!
I want to introduce myself
I am a german developer.. developing for Windows 7 / 8 and also Windows Phone 7 / 8
While I was looking for a Bitcoin Wallet App for Windows Phone I did not found anything.
So I started developing one by myself.
It's almost done and ready to launch.
Due to I am newbie in this Forum I will not spread that much information in the newbie forum.
Well.. here's a screenshot of the loginscreen.. going to post another update in 2 days, hopefully in the
project forum.
So here's my app:
-You can check your current balance
-You can check latest transactions
-You can do a payment
Planned in near future (within the next 2 month)
-Add livetile with current balance
-Add pushnotifications for incoming transactions
i need your ideas please!
mail them to
floler@fa-entertainment.comWhile the app wont have any ads in it and wont cost a penny
I am going to collect some donations to effort the microsoft licensing.
Donations can start right now:
1HLChzN6QnvWXiXUNFLPWyiU2oUHFkaq95Just a little amount can help to release the app faster.. the
microsoft fee is 70$ :/
If you're interested in more information about me visit my website:
http://fa-entertainment.comThanks allot! Updates will be there in 2 days