Selfish, lazy, entitled little sh!ts that believe they get everything handed to them.
Your expecting intelligent conversations yet you propose that the people responsible for most of the Bitcoin code that's been churned out in the last year and a half are lazy.

I guess this is the sort of reactions panic breeds
Yes. Lazy. And arrogant. Don't forget arrogant. Let me explain....
It is an entitled mindset. They wrote a little code. You think that entitles you to have the best seat at the GLOBAL
(as in Entire Earth) Financial Table? You think you are entitled to the best seat because you did a little, maybe even a lot?
* You've got 3rd Party Developers building out the infrastructure - working just as hard as any in many cases, but with less reward.
* You've got the miners, locked into high cost eternal hardware wars - and they don't whine nearly as much as Blockstream insiders/supporters.
* You've got the Exchanges, taking regulatory risks, hacker risks, building out the user base. None of them expect global domination
(although I wouldn't trust any one of them with a Commit spot either).
* You've got the average Joe's who are the little engines that could... building out the infrastructure, buying, saving, investing in, and spending their bitcoins.
* You've got the banks spending hundreds of millions on integrating the blockchain into the global financial structure, setting the stage for a bitcoin/fintech rennassance.
But I still wouldn't trust any of them with a seat at the final decision table. And I definitely wouldn't trust anyone at that table that was egotistical enough to actually BELIEVE they deserved a spot.
A spot at the Commit table is a Responsibility, NOT a Reward. And not understanding the difference is an automatic disqualifier. And I assure you I am not panicked. If their is an XT Fork I will throw some Bitcoin onto one chain and more on another (most on XT I think), and will immediately get some fiatcoin if that arises. And if/when the global network goes down in several years - I will hug my stack of gold & silver. And if bitcoin fails, the economy doesn't crash, then I will keep working my job, living in my house, enjoying my life and children, and spending my cash.
Panic! LOL - you keep riding that same old one trick pony..... accusing others of FUD, Panic. It's you that is worried. You're the naked ones on stage, and more and more people are yelling out of the crowd out,
"The Blockstream Players have no clothes!"And people who once laughed are now starting to get impatient and disgusted with your act.