I was planning on buying a gaming rig in the near future, but after hearing about bitcoin, decided to change it so that it could do mining as well.
The basic system is n i5-2500k,
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115072&cm_re=i5_2500k-_-19-115-072-_-Producton a Asrock Z68 Extreme4 motherboard,
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157250&cm_re=asrock_z68-_-13-157-250-_-Product8 gig G.Skill Ram 1600
1 SSD, 1 5400 sata drive and a dvd burner.
The case I was planning on going with is a Antec 300 illusion
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811129066&cm_re=antec_300-_-11-129-066-_-ProductOriginally when I was going for gaming it was going to be a midrange graphic card and PSU to match.
With mining though, I was starting to think maybe 3x 6950 but I have no idea how much PSU I would need, and don't know if they will all fit in the case and on that motherboard.
Can anyone sugguest what PSU I would need, or if I should use 2 PSU and if so will they slot into that case or will I need one that supports 2 PSU?
Alternatively, if there a better combination of video cards to use with a different case or motherboard?
As I said, primarily I want it for gaming, so don't want to deviate from the base system too much, but want to add on better mining ability, which could then be sold off when the bubble burst and still leave me with a gaming rig