I messed up with the sockpuppet routine I will give you that much ok?
I just new that I would get a reception just like the one I'm getting now if I didn't employ some "creative marketing"
All I need is one user with $.99 worth of bitcoins to buy something and let the rest of the world know how there service went so that others will get the idea that this is really not a scam.
One man's "creative marketing" is another man's "fraud." Taking your service at face value is a little risky, since you are asking people to give you money on the hope that you'll come through for them. You have to expect that some people will be wary of that until it is proven. All your "creative marketing" has shown is that you have some degree of ethical flexibility in trying to build a web of trust based on lies; that alone may have scared anyone who was willing to be the first customer off. Honesty may not have gotten you a warm reception of customers, but it would have been a good first step in showing that your service is on the level.
I'm not trying to be mean, so I apologize if it seems that way. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you are sincerely trying to start up a legitimate business, so I'll repeat the advice of our fellow BitCoiners: try starting with a trusted escrow to build your consumer-base and web of trust, and one day you may not need one (an escrow, that is).
And this may be nitpicking on my part, but I would also suggest you proofread your posts for spelling errors. Presentation is a big part of business, and an extra minute taken to present a professional image can help make a big difference.
If you are on the level, then hopefully admitting to the sock-puppet routine will show that you're trying to do things right. Just remember that asking people to part with their money is no small thing