UPDATE: Contest ends May 31st
To win, post your guess for the peak USD/BTC price.
To win, post your guess before the peak USD/BTC price occurs.
Only a user with 100+ posts can win.
Only the first guess for a user can win.
Winner, with price guess closest to price peak, will receive a 1 BTC prize.
I will use the USD/BTC MTGOX price.
I will determine if you posted before the peak price.
I will determined what is a peak. I consider these peaks:
When you guess:
Please, I would appreciate any reasoning or let me know if it is a complete guess. Although, I will not require this in the first experiment to reduce the amount of fake reasoning/guesses given.
Goal: I hope to run multiple experiments to see if any user(s) can consistently call the peak with some accuracy. Let me know if I should change any rules for future experiments to better achieve this goal.