I sent this dude proof of op failing to send rides still no refund
I got the proof but can u check ur email associated with uber bcoz I believe op stated somewhere that u live in a country where uber free rides are delivered as uber credits.
I offer some hope. 2 rides of the 10 came in this morning. Hopefully this continues. I'll keep everyone updated. Thanks for the update. I do hope this service stays available but gets more reliable. It'd be great if so.
Glad to know OP started delivering again.OP seems to be a good person and knows his business but he seriously has some time constraints.Just waiting for the declaration of new provider of the same service.
just did I have nothing 😑
Current status :
User Sneakerhead - Confirmed(r)
User Gameshare.us - awaiting coonfirmation
User Stufffromdenis - awaiting confirmation
User Unknown - awaiting reply
New undertaking will be carry forward by as per as info provided by @rslsrkr