Puzzles to solve:
Level 1) v;pdrdy [;bmry yp yjr dim?
Solved by: Provablylucky
Closest planet to the sun?
Answer: Mercury
Solution step-by-step
One key to the left on the keyboard
Level 2) 23|13 5|2|71|67 2|61|11 13|11|37|23|43|11, 83|19|2|71 2|61|11 67|19|11|11|53 ?
Prize: 575,000 Tokens
CryptoEarn Solves puzzle 2, with Question: "if cats are feline what are sheep?" Answer: "Ovine"
Level 3) !&*#|!%!|!(!|!#|!%! !(!|!!%! !@(!|!%!|$& !!%!|$^&|@|#(&|#(&|#(&|$&|!!%!|!@(! $^&|$&|$^&|%|$&|!)!( ^%(|&# !@(!|!%!|$& &#|#(&|!$%#|!@(!|$& &#|@|$^&|!(!|#(&|@!%# ?
Prize: 3,000,000 Tokens
Cryptoearn figured it out.
Put you answer in the chat on the site or pm promo
With /pm promo answer