As i see everything in the first post from gianluca
fancy has to pay him,its not okey ...there is all the proof in the first post
Stemby was right, from the look of thing's (
the posted thread by Gianluca94 and context of the translated text there seems to have visible error)
Gianluca, i understand that you are an italian who probably speak english fluently but, that does nor make you a translator!
When it comes to translating phrases, doc ..ecc in english certain command need to be consistent otherwise, you will end up uttering the message of the original writer.
Finally, i will like to compliment Gianluca94 for his motivation because i know how difficult it takes to translate from english into italian vice-versa. In such a situation,a partial payment will be ideal to solve the issue because Gianluca94, has spent time translating these phrases (site's)Thanks