Storing of Bitcoins is against Bitcoin.
No one will offer services for Bitcoin.
Spend Your Bitcoins.
I am trying to think about the reason behind your post. I also tried to research it but I did not found a single clue. And so I am curious why did you post it or what is the message that you really wanted to portray. For me bitcoin stored or not is still bitcoins there is no wrong with it. Storing bitcoins will not be bad for bitcoins.
That. Bitcoin is pure freedom. It doesn't matter how and for what purpose you use it.
Different people, different purposes. One likes to just use Bitcoin as a currency to send and receive funds.
Others are only interested in the investment option that Bitcoin can offer them.
Nothing wrong with any of that, and it's definitely not against Bitcoin.
You know what's against Bitcoin? Forcing others your opinion as a single entity.