Have $30 Solid Trust Pay looking for Bitcoin.
Pardon me, but what the fuck is Solid Trust Pay? Never heard of it.
Solidtrustpay.com. It's one of the main payment processors for HYIPs. I wouldn't trust it, its name sounds sarcastic

Pardon me, but what the fuck is Solid Trust Pay? Never heard of it.
Its also a payment processor just like Payza and PayPal :
https://www.solidtrustpay.com/I can do it for you buy I will only give you $20 btc, if you accept that pm me and we can talk.
Solidtrustpay is also a Reversible payment processor so Beware doing any kind of STP transaction with a Newbie even if he offers a large discount
Woah, never knew that. Really? I thought it was none-reversible, like PM.