sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install make
sudo apt-get nano
You want to change to the directory that TRC will be downloaded
cd /src
If the directory doesn't exist you have to create it:
sudo mkdir /src && cd /src
If you don't have the git client install it
sudo apt-get install git
Now download the source code
The client requires some dependencies the list of which can be found in terracoin/doc/buil-unix.txt but it's outdated and some library names have changed.
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libdb4.8 libdb++-dev libboost1.48-all-dev miniupnpc
If some lib can't be found you can use "apt-cache search <libname>" or google it to find the correct libriray.
Now change the directory to where the makefile.unix is and compile it
cd /src/terracoin/src
make -f makefile.unix
If it fails to compile read the errors and use apt-cache + google to figure out what dependency you need to install.
Once it compiles terracoin
d we need to create the config file
sudo nano /home/<username>/.terracoin/terracoin.conf
Now type in this
rpcallowip= (the ip of the machine that should have access to the daemon)
rpcport=8331 (or whatever port you want)
press ctrl+o and then enter to save the new conf file then press ctrl+x to exit
Now start the daemon
sudo /src/terracoin/src/./terracoind
Daemon should now be running.
You can open a new terminal and run commands for terracoind
/src/terracoin/src/./terracoind help