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Warning: You are in the Gambling section. You are likely to eventually lose any money that you gamble/"invest". Additionally, moderators do not remove likely scams. You must use your own brain: caveat emptor. Do not gamble more than you can afford to lose.

Warning: One or more users have reported that they strongly believe that the creator of this topic is a scammer. (Login to see the detailed trust ratings.) While the administration does not verify such claims, you should proceed with extreme caution.
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Author Topic: [PAYING] CoinGenerator ▲ HYBRID FAUCET ▲ build your city ▲ real business <·´¯`·.  (Read 91520 times)
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February 26, 2016, 10:41:35 AM

cannot reach the site for the last 30minutes...

It's going very slow but is online. Just looked at the global stats and 10186 users online out of a total 12422, so I'd imagine that's affecting it.
Earn BTC for Surveys, Tasks and Offers - 0.295 BTC so far!!
Offline Offline

Activity: 3192
Merit: 1114

This is what I do. I drink and I know things.

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February 26, 2016, 10:45:29 AM

Apифмeтикa пpocтaя! Иcпoльзoвaть caйт кaк кpaн и пoлyчaть oкoлo 50000 caтoши в дeнь (бeз peфepaльныx) и нaдeятьcя, чтo зaтpaты кoгдa-нибyдь oкyпятcя! Ceйчac зapaбaтывaю нa  Taм зaпpocы кaждыe 10минyт чacтeнькo выдaют 50000caтoши зa кaждый зaпpoc, peфepaлкa 20%! Oднaкo вывoд oдин paз в нeдeлю, пo вocкpeceньям! Пpи peгиcтpaции пo мoeй ccылкe гoтoв oбcyдить peфбэк!

Go somewhere else and put your ref link man...
And speak English, if you can!

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Activity: 3192
Merit: 1114

This is what I do. I drink and I know things.

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February 26, 2016, 10:47:40 AM

cannot reach the site for the last 30minutes...

It's going very slow but is online. Just looked at the global stats and 10186 users online out of a total 12422, so I'd imagine that's affecting it.

Thats a HUGE growing in 3 days!!! Shocked

/// PLAY FOR  FREE  ///
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Activity: 95
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February 26, 2016, 11:04:11 AM

Thanks for updates adnin! Smiley the ref com systém is Great!
Sr. Member
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Activity: 240
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February 26, 2016, 11:05:10 AM

Realy Slow....
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Activity: 164
Merit: 100

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February 26, 2016, 11:11:04 AM

Hello admin.
344pG7QGLJMoruoqbW3mqH3oK9rk4eF2Rt - 0.05 BTC
Deposit not added

ragingazn628 (OP)
Hero Member
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Merit: 500

Coin Generator

View Profile WWW
February 26, 2016, 11:12:00 AM
Last edit: February 26, 2016, 11:24:29 AM by ragingazn628

I love ♥ Coin Generator!
My Earnings: 0.00003
User ID: 9dd29f26
Review: I like coin generator because it basically is a high paying faucet, and you should treat it as such. It's info is related to many previous scams, like bought Hero account and good graphics ( and and is like ore mine and bitfactory (buildings) so you know straight up not to trust it!
Thanks for being an obvious scam Coin Generator, so I know not to invest my actual bitcoins!
Better than flexybit where it was legit for a while but then many people lost their deposit (including me) as people thought they could trust it.
Here, it's obvious it will collapse quickly.

You never said positive review so I do expect to get paid. (591+ characters)

Thanks for your review!
You got rewarded 0.0002 BTC
Rewards left: 7

I love ♥ Coin Generator!
My Earnings: 13,425 SAT
User ID:30482069
I love Coin Generator , really its a high paying faucet as i'm interested in collecting bitcoin , i joined to coin generator and start earning bitcoin with small house and planing to get AIR PORT the high level in the upgrade system building because there are up to 20 levels,  i really like this system and the design... speaking of design i was make a logos an animated banners for this cool website the admin pay me in advance witch is trusted by me , but if you really scared about your bitcoin dont invest and try to collect some bitcoin and you can upgrade your city with the amount you earned without lost your bitcoin ... good luck for all

Thanks for your review!
You got rewarded 0.00025 BTC
Rewards left: 6

I love ♥ Coin Generator!
My Earnings: 1,124 SAT
User ID: 1a514f31
Review: i just sign up today, this very good and smooth load, have great earning for free or upgrade member, can claim faucet every 5 min, i hope this site long live

As soon as you fix your post format just like my example I'll send you the reward. Thanks for your attention.

I love ♥ Coin Generator!
My Earnings:4,000 SAT
User ID:1a514f31
Review:i just sign up today, this very good and smooth load, have great earning for free or upgrade member, can claim faucet every 5 min, i hope this site long live and have new good Feature soon

I love ♥ Coin Generator!
My Earnings: 1,336 SAT( i'm new here)
User ID:1bf6d180
Review:Nothing to say.. I really like your design Smiley.. Hope will have profitable with Coin Generator!

i have just change format of posting.. pls check for me

I love ♥ Coin Generator!
My Earnings:62671 satoshi!
User ID: f96504fb
Review:A nice faucet game site and worth a try for any faucetor or all bitcoiners,in general.
Thanks for the promo.

As soon as you fix your post format just like my example I'll send you the reward. Thanks for your attention.
Your review is kinda poor, you should spend some more effort on it if you wanna take your reward...

I love ♥ Coin Generator!
My Earnings: 0.0002916 BTC
User ID: fcc36ab5
Review: I definitely fell in love with Coin Generator because I've been searching for the one for a while and now I think I have finally found it.

I love ♥ Coin Generator!
My Earnings: 1,124 SAT
User ID: 1a514f31
Review: i just sign up today, this very good and smooth load, have great earning for free or upgrade member, can claim faucet every 5 min, i hope this site long live

As soon as you fix your post format just like my example I'll send you the reward. Thanks for your attention.

I love ♥ Coin Generator!
My Earnings:4,000 SAT
User ID:1a514f31
Review:i just sign up today, this very good and smooth load, have great earning for free or upgrade member, can claim faucet every 5 min, i hope this site long live and have new good Feature soon

I love ♥ Coin Generator!
My Earnings:65,613 SAT
User ID:fbf15176
Review:nothing to say negative until now, i think this is the best game ever in faucet
bitcoin network!
I hope it lasts.

I love ♥ Coin Generator!
My Earnings:0.0005292
User ID:aaa5a97f
Review:I definitely fell in love with Coin Generator because The Faucet Is Very Very Good and True Paying,so I will start earning more and more. This is  the short version of my life, but the important here is  that I feel happy at the end and the reason for that is your site,I've been searching for the one for a while and now I think I have finally found it. It is very difficult to find the one for myself, because I require a lot and have only been looking for qualified candidates. I've been through very tough period of my life, but here in this site, I feel comfortable. I'd say that I could invest some of my collected BTC, I think You Is The Best. Really

Unfortunately you are not elegible to partecipate to this giveaway because your bitcointalk account's level is newbie.

Ok Admin
but look for more Ads...

We will as we previously said, do not worry and be patient please.

Today's given bonus percentage (average) is: 2.23%
Tomorrow (26-02-2016) morning at 12:00 UTC the following changes will be officially applied to the game:

Minimum payout will get increased to 100,000 satoshi.
Time between every claim will be increased to 10 minutes.
Referral commission from referral's claims will be changed to dynamic system with the following range of values:

Building level 1: 11% refcom - 3,100 SAT max
Building level 2: 12% refcom - 3,200 SAT max
Building level 3: 13% refcom - 3,300 SAT max
Building level 4: 14% refcom - 3,400 SAT max
Building level 5: 15% refcom - 3,500 SAT max
Building level 6: 16% refcom - 3,600 SAT max
Building level 7: 17% refcom - 3,700 SAT max
Building level 8: 18% refcom - 3,800 SAT max
Building level 9: 19% refcom - 3,900 SAT max
Building level 10: 20% refcom - 4,000 SAT max
Building level 11: 21% refcom - 4,100 SAT max
Building level 12: 22% refcom - 4,200 SAT max
Building level 13: 23% refcom - 4,300 SAT max
Building level 14: 24% refcom - 4,400 SAT max
Building level 15: 25% refcom - 4,500 SAT max
Building level 16: 26% refcom - 4,600 SAT max
Building level 17: 27% refcom - 4,700 SAT max
Building level 18: 28% refcom - 4,800 SAT max
Building level 19: 29% refcom - 4,900 SAT max
Building level 20: 30% refcom - 5,000 SAT max
thanks for update

Thank you for your attention!

Im stuck admin. This giveaways ended, and nothing for me for this positive review above? I will not make it before updates, to make my first lowest withdrawal as i need to sleep now... that updates! Will not make first withdrawal before social tab on ur www will disapear... this forum at least... cuz it will be probably much too early.

I want to sell my own house and start renting from new owner. After i paid (in rent) twice the price of house im getting back ownership. Ayone? Consider it Min 150BTC investment that will pay monthly to finally double investment after 10-12 years (about 1BTC monthly rent) . You cant get scammed - you have legal property so you can evict (pardon me my english) me anytime. Where is the catch if i plan to invest 50BTC of your "loan" to build second floor of YOUR property?  There isnt, but i wont explain trick so easily on public Cheesy

You only have to fix your post format (unbolding) just like my example in the giveaway post.

Today's given bonus percentage (average) is: 2.23%
Tomorrow (26-02-2016) morning at 12:00 UTC the following changes will be officially applied to the game:

Minimum payout will get increased to 100,000 satoshi.
Time between every claim will be increased to 10 minutes.
Referral commission from referral's claims will be changed to dynamic system with the following range of values:

Building level 1: 11% refcom - 3,100 SAT max
Building level 2: 12% refcom - 3,200 SAT max
Building level 3: 13% refcom - 3,300 SAT max
Building level 4: 14% refcom - 3,400 SAT max
Building level 5: 15% refcom - 3,500 SAT max
Building level 6: 16% refcom - 3,600 SAT max
Building level 7: 17% refcom - 3,700 SAT max
Building level 8: 18% refcom - 3,800 SAT max
Building level 9: 19% refcom - 3,900 SAT max
Building level 10: 20% refcom - 4,000 SAT max
Building level 11: 21% refcom - 4,100 SAT max
Building level 12: 22% refcom - 4,200 SAT max
Building level 13: 23% refcom - 4,300 SAT max
Building level 14: 24% refcom - 4,400 SAT max
Building level 15: 25% refcom - 4,500 SAT max
Building level 16: 26% refcom - 4,600 SAT max
Building level 17: 27% refcom - 4,700 SAT max
Building level 18: 28% refcom - 4,800 SAT max
Building level 19: 29% refcom - 4,900 SAT max
Building level 20: 30% refcom - 5,000 SAT max

Why change referral? %20 Was a good amount :/

In this way we guarantee a long living program.

Today's given bonus percentage (average) is: 2.23%
Tomorrow (26-02-2016) morning at 12:00 UTC the following changes will be officially applied to the game:

Minimum payout will get increased to 100,000 satoshi.
Time between every claim will be increased to 10 minutes.
Referral commission from referral's claims will be changed to dynamic system with the following range of values:

Building level 1: 11% refcom - 3,100 SAT max
Building level 2: 12% refcom - 3,200 SAT max
Building level 3: 13% refcom - 3,300 SAT max
Building level 4: 14% refcom - 3,400 SAT max
Building level 5: 15% refcom - 3,500 SAT max
Building level 6: 16% refcom - 3,600 SAT max
Building level 7: 17% refcom - 3,700 SAT max
Building level 8: 18% refcom - 3,800 SAT max
Building level 9: 19% refcom - 3,900 SAT max
Building level 10: 20% refcom - 4,000 SAT max
Building level 11: 21% refcom - 4,100 SAT max
Building level 12: 22% refcom - 4,200 SAT max
Building level 13: 23% refcom - 4,300 SAT max
Building level 14: 24% refcom - 4,400 SAT max
Building level 15: 25% refcom - 4,500 SAT max
Building level 16: 26% refcom - 4,600 SAT max
Building level 17: 27% refcom - 4,700 SAT max
Building level 18: 28% refcom - 4,800 SAT max
Building level 19: 29% refcom - 4,900 SAT max
Building level 20: 30% refcom - 5,000 SAT max

Why change referral? %20 Was a good amount :/

Honestly, I would rather have these changes that admin has implemented and ensure a longer life for the website than to make some quick referral earnings now only to come to a website that doesn't pay. Using your referrals, you can get to upgrades faster, and it's a bit of an incentive to get more referrals to upgrade faster, as well.

I'm okay with the changes.

You got it, exactly!

Also, Dear Coin Generator

by Adrevshare i mean more like:

1. PTC that earns satoshi (make it look like into <iframe>)

2. Buying AD-PACKS (not buildings) that gives you revenue from incoming adpack sales (matures at 7days for example)

3. SURF 10 ads daily (not ptc) minimum to gather revenue from adpacks

Typical adrevshare programs put much more pressure on making easily possible to advertise other programs/reflinks of users (adpack buyers). And also Repurchase rule... You must have heard of programs like: TrafficMonsoon or ...

Admin, with this hybrid sheme, you dont need to Scam ppl when it gets to point G., you can easily put this Adrevshare section i mention above to start collecting money from ponzi lovers , next after ponzi falling apart, just enable another idea from other money programs xD Perpetum Mobile of little greedy noobs.

It's kinda long to code but we might do it one it, though we have given more priority to our todo list first.

Thanks for my first INSTANT payment.

Please post your payment proof so everyone can make sure we are really paying, although congratz  Smiley

Also, Dear Coin Generator

by Adrevshare i mean more like:

1. PTC that earns satoshi (make it look like into <iframe>)

2. Buying AD-PACKS (not buildings) that gives you revenue from incoming adpack sales (matures at 7days for example)

3. SURF 10 ads daily (not ptc) minimum to gather revenue from adpacks

Typical adrevshare programs put much more pressure on making easily possible to advertise other programs/reflinks of users (adpack buyers). And also Repurchase rule... You must have heard of programs like: TrafficMonsoon or ...

Admin, with this hybrid sheme, you dont need to Scam ppl when it gets to point G., you can easily put this Adrevshare section i mention above to start collecting money from ponzi lovers , next after ponzi falling apart, just enable another idea from other money programs xD Perpetum Mobile of little greedy noobs.

Actually, something similar to this could provide a bit of extra income for the site. If you look at the big PTC sites like ClixSense or Neobux, you can implement the same type of ad purchase packs... You get a lot of traffic on the website currently, so why not sell ad packs to members? You can charge a certain amount per CPM for users to advertise their other favorite sites...

For example, I wouldn't mind paying some bitcoin for a couple hundred thousand impressions or click-throughs, as long as the clicks are validated like on the PTC sites...

You can also set it so that members get higher rewards for a longer amount of time required to claim the ad click. I figure admin/site can use 50% of the ad revenue generated this way to pay back upgrades, and the other 50% could go back to the member rewards for clicking through... Thoughts, anyone?

Yesterday we got the idea to add some casino games in our services. Provably fair games with MD5 verification.
That would give a boost to our revenue, what do you think?

Actually, something similar to this could provide a bit of extra income for the site. If you look at the big PTC sites like ClixSense or Neobux, you can implement the same type of ad purchase packs... You get a lot of traffic on the website currently, so why not sell ad packs to members? You can charge a certain amount per CPM for users to advertise their other favorite sites...

For example, I wouldn't mind paying some bitcoin for a couple hundred thousand impressions or click-throughs, as long as the clicks are validated like on the PTC sites...

You can also set it so that members get higher rewards for a longer amount of time required to claim the ad click. I figure admin/site can use 50% of the ad revenue generated this way to pay back upgrades, and the other 50% could go back to the member rewards for clicking through... Thoughts, anyone?

Im rly afraid that date when support shall start working will be the day this site disapear into howling abyss of internet Sad. Not even chance to implement our good ideas to make admin more money. I was always wondering what is this bad luck of bitcoins that not much (any?) program last year or few years.... (faucets doesnt count). To easy to run on blockachain>?

We are not intended to "disappear", even though it's pretty pointless to add more deceiving words because only time will build our trust.


This just a reboot of COINBOOSTER!!!

Stay away from this SCAMBAG

This is the exact same.

As we previously said many times we are not related to any of the scammy faucets you already mentioned before. I feel I'm too kind to reply you all, so starting from now I'll start ignoring such comments.

If the new rules keep the faucet running without lowering the BTC/Minute of each building, I think it's a great deal. Also, increasing the Minimum Withdraw Amount actually benefits us due to the taxes per withdraw. Keep improving the faucet admin(s).

That's our intention!

My first deposit. I hope this thing lasts Smiley Will plan to upgrade more if I get my withdrawal.

Thank you for jumping in, we are glad to see you in our game!

When you upgrade a building, are you losing your investment from the previous building?

When you upgrade a building, are you losing your investment from the previous building?

You'll stop gaining bitcoins from the previous building if you buy a new one. However, you won't lose your investment if you were using level 1 building at first (because it's free and unlimited...). Also, never upgrade a building that still has it's duration as you won't be able to maximize the amount of money you gain from it. In other words, you won't lose your investment if the buildings duration is over (but that is if you keep on claiming bitcoins).

We stated the following rule in our F.A.Q. page:

1. I'm planning to upgrade to Lvl 3, but the capacity is only 0.0003. The minimum withdrawal amount is 0.0005, how can I withdraw with just a lvl 3 building?

2. This duration: 11 days.
    Will my upgrading building be lost after 11 days? Do I need to upgrade again after 11 days?

3. I'm only at level 1 building (FREE) and its capacity is 0.00003, but I already have 0.00004 on my balance. I somehow dont understand.

As you know, each building has a limited duration in which you can claim from it. Let's take the level 3 building:

Duration: 11 Days
Rate: 0.00000127 Bitcoin/Minute
Capacity: 0.0003 Bitcoins
Cost: 0.01 Bitcoin

Now, to buy this building you need 0.01 Bitcoin, once you buy it, you can "CLAIM" Bitcoins from it after each 10 minutes (as stated in the new rules). For example, the capacity of the level 3 building is now full, you just have to solve the captcha and claim the amount of Bitcoins there is in the building.
This will give you the 0.0003 Bitcoins which is in the building AND the building starts making money again. This process will continue until 11 days pass, when this does happen, you return back to your level 1 (unlimited) building. So you can buy the level 3 building again or another building. Note: You will ALWAYS make double the amount of bitcoins it took to buy the building at first, but that is IF you don't reach the capacity of the building as it stops giving you bitcoins.

Now here's how you can calculate the total amount of bitcoins you can get by buying a building:

Change the Bitcoin per Minute to Bitcoin per Hour; 0.00000127*60 = 0.0000762 Bitcoins
Now change that value to the amount of hours in a day (which is 24 hours); so 0.0000762*24 = 0.0018288 Bitcoins

0.0018288 Bitcoins is the amount of money you'll gain without reaching the capacity of the building (that is just for level 3 building).
Now multiply that value to the duration of level 3 building; 0.0018288*11(days) = 0.201168 Bitcoins

As you can see, you get double the amount of bitcoins it took you to buy the building.
So if you buy the level 20 building for 10 bitcoins, you'll get back 20 bitcoins in 45 days. Thus, you can use 10 bitcoins from your 20 bitcoins to buy the level 20 building again.

Great explanation you could not do better! Thank you for giving support when we are not online, we really appreciate  Smiley

One word of advice to new players here. Just treat it as a high paying faucet. Don't let greed take over you.

They should seriously read our F.A.Q. page and Terms & Conditions.

One of the best sites for Satoshi earnings.

I like Coin Generator, very interesting

Hey thanks for the positive feedback!

Today's given bonus percentage (average) is: 2.23%
Tomorrow (26-02-2016) morning at 12:00 UTC the following changes will be officially applied to the game:

Minimum payout will get increased to 100,000 satoshi.
Time between every claim will be increased to 10 minutes.
Referral commission from referral's claims will be changed to dynamic system with the following range of values:

Building level 1: 11% refcom - 3,100 SAT max
Building level 2: 12% refcom - 3,200 SAT max
Building level 3: 13% refcom - 3,300 SAT max
Building level 4: 14% refcom - 3,400 SAT max
Building level 5: 15% refcom - 3,500 SAT max
Building level 6: 16% refcom - 3,600 SAT max
Building level 7: 17% refcom - 3,700 SAT max
Building level 8: 18% refcom - 3,800 SAT max
Building level 9: 19% refcom - 3,900 SAT max
Building level 10: 20% refcom - 4,000 SAT max
Building level 11: 21% refcom - 4,100 SAT max
Building level 12: 22% refcom - 4,200 SAT max
Building level 13: 23% refcom - 4,300 SAT max
Building level 14: 24% refcom - 4,400 SAT max
Building level 15: 25% refcom - 4,500 SAT max
Building level 16: 26% refcom - 4,600 SAT max
Building level 17: 27% refcom - 4,700 SAT max
Building level 18: 28% refcom - 4,800 SAT max
Building level 19: 29% refcom - 4,900 SAT max
Building level 20: 30% refcom - 5,000 SAT max

This is great admin! This will not only decrease flooding of your Blocktrail tx, but it will ensure a stable earning for you and for every members. Guys! we need to support the website, we are earning thru faucet. If what you do is simply take take take, then no wonder, programs like these will immediately collapse. Admin is only making sure its stability, so unless you are a lazy fauceter who just want to claim claim claim without putting back any effort at all, then just leave the site, and don't invest at all.

All of you are hopefully understanding our intentions and goal with this upcoming update, thank you all for your support!

Withdrawal Test. Awesome  Grin  Kiss less 1 minute.

Requested withdrawals are instantly processed by our system.

Very very BAD experience.
I awaited to say "I love this fake generator" and in fact now I have the my 3 confirm.

My 3 confirmations are:

1) There is a limit of 20,000,000 SAT and this is not speciefied in the website! IT IS SPECIFIED UNLIMITED from the first day of launch

2)  I have seen with my eyes a referred user, because I was from his house to help him to invest in this fake generator, that has bought a LEVEL 14 for 1BTC and the system strangely did not give us other possibilities to upgrade his plan as He choosen! 0.2BTC Level 10 taken instead of Level 14 for 1BTC (strange hahaha)

3) Many many other things that I prefer to not specify for the security and integrity of the Owner of this fake system (if he would I'm here to discuss about all these bad functionalities and fro removing this post)

But till I'm not contacted personally in Private Message from you, Tom, this is my experience.

A fake one!

Greeetings from Italy!

Stay hungry, stay faked... and the show must go on!  Undecided

This is my panel:

Very very BAD experience.
I awaited to say "I love this fake generator" and in fact now I have the my 3 confirm.

My 3 confirmations are:

1) There is a limit of 20,000,000 SAT and this is not speciefied in the website! IT IS SPECIFIED UNLIMITED from the first day of launch

2)  I have seen with my eyes a referred user, because I was from his house to help him to invest in this fake generator, that has bought a LEVEL 14 for 1BTC and the system strangely did not give us other possibilities to upgrade his plan as He choosen! 0.2BTC Level 10 taken instead of Level 14 for 1BTC (strange hahaha)

3) Many many other things that I prefer to not specify for the security and integrity of the Owner of this fake system (if he would I'm here to discuss about all these bad functionalities and fro removing this post)

But till I'm not contacted personally in Private Message from you, Tom, this is my experience.

A fake one!

Greeetings from Italy!

Stay hungry, stay faked... and the show must go on!  Undecided

This is my panel:

Very very BAD experience.

I took a 7-level building. No problems have been, and still is not. And, hopefully, will not be. Of course, I mean the level of the other buildings, but the fact is. Have you contacted customer support chat?

Very very BAD experience.

I took a 7-level building. No problems have been, and still is not. And, hopefully, will not be. Of course, I mean the level of the other buildings, but the fact is. Have you contacted customer support chat?

No. We had wrote to the support email and the reply was:

"Are you sure that you have bought the right Level? We have some customers without any problem, Regards"

Very good support ... we was 3 People in front at the Pc and we have seen all 3 this problem.

You said that you have not problems... yeah me too with my Basic level 7 for 0.05  but I'm talking about other any way.
But why if you buy a Level for example 7, the System say that you have Active also Level 6-5-4-3-2-1 But when you buy an upgrade to a Level 8 is not calcuated the difference but the Price is entire?
Here I'm talking about a Level 14 at cost of 1 BTC.

Good for US that the system have choosen this Plan because we have requested Back the 0.8 and we discovered that the withdraw has a limit hahahaha good 0.20 for 4 days and Cash out all... this is our experience

Here a personal suggestion for TOM the Dev:
The commissions about the deposit I suggest you to take if a Person buy a Level not only for a simply deposit because my Friend has deposit 1 BTC and I got 0.05 BTC from this deposit. If my Friend deposit and Cash out we earn only from this transactions  Grin

And now about the LIMIT OF 20.000.000 SAT we want to talk and discuss?Huh There are no limits yeah... NO OTHER WORDS...


Very very BAD experience.
I awaited to say "I love this fake generator" and in fact now I have the my 3 confirm.

My 3 confirmations are:

1) There is a limit of 20,000,000 SAT and this is not speciefied in the website! IT IS SPECIFIED UNLIMITED from the first day of launch

2)  I have seen with my eyes a referred user, because I was from his house to help him to invest in this fake generator, that has bought a LEVEL 14 for 1BTC and the system strangely did not give me other possibilities to upgrade my plan as I choosen! 0.2BTC Level 10 taken instead of Level 14 for 1BTC (strange hahaha)

3) Many many other things that I prefer to not specify for the security and integrity of the Owner of this fake system (if he would I'm here to discuss about all these bad functionalities and fro removing this post)

But till I'm not contacted personally in Private Message from you, this is my experience.

A fake one!

Greeetings from Italy!

Stay hungry, stay faked... and the show must go on!  Undecided

This is my panel:

Would you mind giving us more proof that this bitcoin faucet is actually fake? If more people actually start complaining then I might believe what you just wrote. However, no one till now has accused this faucet for scamming, so for now, if you can prove this is actually fake we might follow your path of not using this faucet.

Hey Crimsonate I'm free to talk about what I want and a Major reason that I have over 250 referrals and I've invested non ONLY inside this scandal faucet but also out for advertising and others... I had Credit to the Tom's project with my personal criteria but I'm free to write that there are no TRASPARENT in this entire website.

All informations are missed!!!

Very very BAD experience.
I awaited to say "I love this fake generator" and in fact now I have the my 3 confirm.

My 3 confirmations are:

1) There is a limit of 20,000,000 SAT and this is not speciefied in the website! IT IS SPECIFIED UNLIMITED from the first day of launch

2)  I have seen with my eyes a referred user, because I was from his house to help him to invest in this fake generator, that has bought a LEVEL 14 for 1BTC and the system strangely did not give us other possibilities to upgrade his plan as He choosen! 0.2BTC Level 10 taken instead of Level 14 for 1BTC (strange hahaha)

3) Many many other things that I prefer to not specify for the security and integrity of the Owner of this fake system (if he would I'm here to discuss about all these bad functionalities and fro removing this post)

But till I'm not contacted personally in Private Message from you, Tom, this is my experience.

A fake one!

Greeetings from Italy!

Stay hungry, stay faked... and the show must go on!  Undecided

This is my panel:

haha this seems like some desperate competition faucet owner is trying to throw dirt on the new big guy in the industry lol Cheesy, now mr. ballsy, specify couple things.... first of all, what limit are you talking about? limit of what? second, you bought a building and you received another one? seems like a problem, eventhough it should not be possible...where is your proof that you are not making it up? i can say im pope and nobody gives a sht because everyone knows it is not true and this seems so no true, show us proof so we can raise up against this the third point, many other things? srsly? comon tell us, you are obviously trying to hurt the program and the owner and now you say you dont want to? dafuq, where is the logic? you either want to hurt the program or not, decide what is it....BTW FAKE GENERATOR nickname? your statements are the only things that seem fake to me Wink no prooves, just ballsy talks

After some accurate deep scan of our code we noticed there was a coding mistake and fixed it as soon as possible. We really apologize for the problem occurred with you, although your behavior wasn't one of the best.
Anyhow did you lose any coin so far? I doubt so, except the fact you upgraded to a low level building which will give you the possibility to reach the ROI faster than the other one.
Talking about your way to cheat our referral program: do NOT do it.
First of all because you can only withdraw once a day, but let's assume you would do it: we manually make daily checks in order to detect possible cheaters and every cheater will end up getting a permanent ban, so funds would get frozen too.
Dopo aver effettuato un accurato controllo sul nostro codice abbiamo notato che c'era un errore di programmazione e l'abbiamo subito corretto. Ci scusiamo per il problema che hai riscontrato, nonostante ciò il tuo comportamento non è stato uno dei migliori.
Comunque sia, hai perso qualche moneta? Ne dubito, eccetto il fatto che ti è stato fatto l'upgrade ad una costruzione di livello più basso il quale ti da comunque la possibilità di raggiungere il ROI più velocemente rispetto all'altra.
Per quanto riguarda invece la tua strategia da imbroglione: semplicemente NON farlo.
Prima di tutto perché puoi ritirare solo una volta al giorno, ma presumiamo che lo faresti comunque: noi facciamo controlli periodici manualmente per cercare possibili imbroglioni e ogni imbroglione fini per ricevere un ban permanente, quindi anche i fondi vengono bloccati.

This seems to be a good faucet and also good way to diversify my bitcoin investments, but the fact that I have to be online regularly is not very practical. Since I lost a good amount of money on similar services that turned out to be scam, I will be more careful this time and use Coin Generator as a Faucet only for now. I rather invest my money were I already have good experience.

Sure, as you wish. Take your time, we are not running away!

I really dont know if i should put my money here...
If i buy a lvl 5 house when will i be able to reach my ROI?..

You would reach the ROI in 6 days and half. Just make sure you can claim more than once a day, otherwise you would end up in a possible loss.

This seems to be a good faucet and also good way to diversify my bitcoin investments, but the fact that I have to be online regularly is not very practical. Since I lost a good amount of money on similar services that turned out to be scam, I will be more careful this time and use Coin Generator as a Faucet only for now. I rather invest my money were I already have good experience.

yes that pisses me off too, im not always around so i loose some profit too but, that is how it is...anyway if you invest you have much more space in storage, i have level9 for 0.1BTC and my stoprage is full after 5hours...i can manage to claim most of it

Did you want a solid and long loving program? That's the alternative to your dreams  Smiley

I really dont know if i should put my money here...
If i buy a lvl 5 house when will i be able to reach my ROI?..

if you claim all the profit you will duble you initial investment during the lifetime of the building you bought

Exactly, that's why you should always make sure you can afford to work hard on it before purchasing any premium building. This is stated in our F.A.Q. page too.

I really dont know if i should put my money here...
If i buy a lvl 5 house when will i be able to reach my ROI?..

if you claim all the profit you will duble you initial investment during the lifetime of the building you bought

The only problem i see is the time...
As im busy and tends to not get all the investment when they are full...
Whats your method when getting your profit?.

If you cannot afford it then focus on the daily bonus reward, which does not require any sort of work.

I really dont know if i should put my money here...
If i buy a lvl 5 house when will i be able to reach my ROI?..

if you claim all the profit you will duble you initial investment during the lifetime of the building you bought

The only problem i see is the time...
As im busy and tends to not get all the investment when they are full...
Whats your method when getting your profit?.

My "method" is to get in my account every 5 hrs or less and get the money!  Grin

My "method" is to get in my account every 5 hrs or less and get the money!  Grin

Do you interrupt your sleep for a few cents?

My "method" is to get in my account every 5 hrs or less and get the money!  Grin

Do you interrupt your sleep for a few cents?

Who said that i am sleeping? Huh

Seriously? No i dont but i dont sleep that much anyways. So, i dont loose much with 6 hrs of sleep...

Ohhh... We got an addicted player here  Grin

cannot reach the site for the last 30minutes...

this site slow loading Cry

cannot reach the site for the last 30minutes...

It's going very slow but is online. Just looked at the global stats and 10186 users online out of a total 12422, so I'd imagine that's affecting it.

Realy Slow....

Website is 100% reachable:
Most likely it's a problem on your side.
However that may happen sometimes because of the huge amount of users.

Seriously,I think Should have sat claim 1 robot automatically.
Users can rent it at the right price.

No Pain - No Gain!

cannot reach the site for the last 30minutes...

It's going very slow but is online. Just looked at the global stats and 10186 users online out of a total 12422, so I'd imagine that's affecting it.

Thats a HUGE growing in 3 days!!! Shocked

Yes, definitely it's as you say! We are the most growing faucet around the world  Cheesy

Thanks for updates adnin! Smiley the ref com systém is Great!

Thank you for your feedback!

Hello admin.
344pG7QGLJMoruoqbW3mqH3oK9rk4eF2Rt - 0.05 BTC
Deposit not added

We will manually add it within 10 minutes, we apologize for the trouble.
EDIT: we see your deposit has been already added.
ragingazn628 (OP)
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Coin Generator

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February 26, 2016, 11:22:52 AM

I did the request for withdrawal of 50,000 Satoshi.
And they are not.

What error message are you facing? If it's asking you to retry please just keep trying or try later, our API is overloaded and may not be able to send it.
Hero Member
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Activity: 602
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February 26, 2016, 11:25:48 AM

I did the request for withdrawal of 50,000 Satoshi.
And they are not.

What error message are you facing? If it's asking you to retry please just keep trying or try later, our API is overloaded and may not be able to send it.

Reminds me of Sitfer's  Roll Eyes
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Activity: 7
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February 26, 2016, 11:29:11 AM

Thanks for the update admin.

Many people here say that this site is scam  Undecided
I disagree.

It's a new site guys, you must be patience.
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February 26, 2016, 11:31:05 AM

Hello admin.
344pG7QGLJMoruoqbW3mqH3oK9rk4eF2Rt - 0.05 BTC
Deposit not added

We will manually add it within 10 minutes, we apologize for the trouble.
EDIT: we see your deposit has been already added.


wait 10 min and welcom scam list.

From best Regard CryptoMonitor team.
Official site:

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February 26, 2016, 11:44:13 AM

I did the request for withdrawal of 50,000 Satoshi.
And they are not.

What error message are you facing? If it's asking you to retry please just keep trying or try later, our API is overloaded and may not be able to send it.


THIS BS line was used for their other site "please just keep trying or try later, our API is overloaded and may not be able to send it."

You are all getting duped!!!

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February 26, 2016, 11:48:47 AM

I love ♥ Coin Generator!
My Earnings: 0.00031122 BTC
User ID: 3245f712
Review: Few days online and already 10k registered users! Very nice sheme, when you can loose money if not active - wich make program live longer imho, cant blame admin for loosing money if going offline for a week. So you actually making money from DOING SOMETHING, not promising something that looks to good to be true. Website have very nice graphics, and is easy to navigate. As for now i would say it can be best earning program of 2016!!! If they keep to update program with betting (hi/lo) or even purchasing adpacks in future it will detronise TrafficMonsoon with ease. I didnt deposited and already earned so much from just few faucet claims. even with my 15referals doesnt making so much satoshi income per day. I wil lreview it again for sure, even if GIVEAWAYs will stop. If it will live till Ethereum reach 10$ i will surely try buying building level2 and earn even faster! Keep on GOOD JOB CoinGenerator! P.S. Hope its enought of review this time, and i make it on time xD
ragingazn628 (OP)
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Coin Generator

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February 26, 2016, 11:51:01 AM

I love ♥ Coin Generator!
My Earnings: 0.00031122 BTC
User ID: 3245f712
Review: Few days online and already 10k registered users! Very nice sheme, when you can loose money if not active - wich make program live longer imho, cant blame admin for loosing money if going offline for a week. So you actually making money from DOING SOMETHING, not promising something that looks to good to be true. Website have very nice graphics, and is easy to navigate. As for now i would say it can be best earning program of 2016!!! If they keep to update program with betting (hi/lo) or even purchasing adpacks in future it will detronise TrafficMonsoon with ease. I didnt deposited and already earned so much from just few faucet claims. even with my 15referals doesnt making so much satoshi income per day. I wil lreview it again for sure, even if GIVEAWAYs will stop. If it will live till Ethereum reach 10$ i will surely try buying building level2 and earn even faster! Keep on GOOD JOB CoinGenerator! P.S. Hope its enought of review this time, and i make it on time xD

Can you please unbold the text next to the ":"? Thanks.
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February 26, 2016, 11:51:58 AM

Ok, thx admin, deposit added.

But i see Total Deposited: 0 BTC LAST DEPOSIT: 0 BTC DATE: NO RECORDS.

Correct this  Grin

ragingazn628 (OP)
Hero Member
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Activity: 714
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Coin Generator

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February 26, 2016, 11:54:15 AM

Ok, thx admin, deposit added.

But i see Total Deposited: 0 BTC LAST DEPOSIT: 0 BTC DATE: NO RECORDS.

Correct this  Grin

Two Coin Generator users had their deposits included in the same transaction. Problem solved.
Sr. Member
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February 26, 2016, 11:58:51 AM

Can you please unbold the text next to the ":"? Thanks.

Like this? Just edited it. Hope Underlines are ok. Im going to sleep for 4hrs i think, need to keep claiming Grin . Good Luck on upcoming update of min. withdrawal and ref commisions. Let the bugs and flaws stay far away from your generator! Good Luck!
ragingazn628 (OP)
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Activity: 714
Merit: 500

Coin Generator

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February 26, 2016, 12:00:58 PM

I love ♥ Coin Generator!
My Earnings: 0.00031122 BTC
User ID: 3245f712
Review: Few days online and already 10k registered users! Very nice sheme, when you can loose money if not active - wich make program live longer imho, cant blame admin for loosing money if going offline for a week. So you actually making money from DOING SOMETHING, not promising something that looks to good to be true. Website have very nice graphics, and is easy to navigate. As for now i would say it can be best earning program of 2016!!! If they keep to update program with betting (hi/lo) or even purchasing adpacks in future it will detronise TrafficMonsoon with ease. I didnt deposited and already earned so much from just few faucet claims. even with my 15referals doesnt making so much satoshi income per day. I wil lreview it again for sure, even if GIVEAWAYs will stop. If it will live till Ethereum reach 10$ i will surely try buying building level2 and earn even faster! Keep on GOOD JOB CoinGenerator! P.S. Hope its enought of review this time, and i make it on time xD

Thanks for your review!
You got rewarded 0.0003 BTC
Rewards left: 4
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February 26, 2016, 12:05:37 PM

Thanks! I m trying to process my first withdrawal now, actually its 4mins after changes... lets see if you will make it late withdraw :/
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February 26, 2016, 12:05:44 PM



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