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Author Topic: Why voting for the liar?  (Read 4184 times)
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July 21, 2017, 10:31:26 AM

All politicians are not truthful to their followers and that is why we are facing many political problem around the world today. From my view most politicians create the problem our individual country are facing today through deception and liars. Trump is not the only deceptive politician most them are pure liars.
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July 21, 2017, 11:58:23 AM

All Politicians lie, But Clinton and the whole clinton family are serial liars, they will see black and call it white, There is no truthfulness in the world of politics, The honest ones gets corrupted as times goes by. The one who promised change ended up becoming the very thing he sought to change, maybe he was all along and he lied his way to the oval office and started to dine with celebrities.

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July 21, 2017, 01:06:43 PM

I agree with many that all politicians lie only to come to power. They really do not want to take care of the country or the people, they care only about themselves and their family.

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July 21, 2017, 01:34:04 PM

Here are the profiles of Sanders and Trump on Politifact.

Tell me just one thing you Trumpers, how do you justify that nearly 80% of what Trump says is at least mostly false?

Is there any justification for that?

It is not that I am selecting a side, but I've experienced being close to a politician and it is a common nature to most of them.

Politicians especially in the start of elections, tell the people what they want to hear and what they want to see, because if they don't do that, they can't get their attention and support. But beyond their lies, they just want to help people, and they know they can do it but there must be some circumstances like lying.



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July 21, 2017, 01:41:11 PM
Last edit: July 22, 2017, 02:15:31 AM by galestorm

Its natural for politicians to lie in the first part of their campaign, its for the purpose of gaining people's votes. What else could they do but to glitteringly state their plans for the country without certainty, most of their promises arent achieved and its really unfortunate how the people of the country hoped and believed of their promises and plans.

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July 21, 2017, 01:56:29 PM

Here are the profiles of Sanders and Trump on Politifact.

Tell me just one thing you Trumpers, how do you justify that nearly 80% of what Trump says is at least mostly false?

Is there any justification for that?

One way or another, all the politians are huge liars. They do not hesitate tell lies to their people for their own sake. Trumps is the most dishonest of all the current politicians for sure because he is a businessman and business people know well how to trick human beings.

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July 21, 2017, 02:16:05 PM

I hated Trump, but I don't think that 80% of his speech is lie. He became a worthy President

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July 22, 2017, 02:53:47 PM

I hated Trump, but I don't think that 80% of his speech is lie. He became a worthy President

I think that's what made people vote for him in the first place. The guy is crazy most of the time but inalsl din't think he's a liar. He's blatantly straightforward in saying what's on his mind whether they're  constructive or not.

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July 22, 2017, 04:10:28 PM

Here are the profiles of Sanders and Trump on Politifact.

Tell me just one thing you Trumpers, how do you justify that nearly 80% of what Trump says is at least mostly false?

Is there any justification for that?

Isn't getting elected justification in itself? It works.

Although some Americans can dectect the dishonesty, the majority are unable to.  Given than Bernie was a legit candidate and Trump still got elected is a reflection of the American people. They're not ready for an honest leader yet. Preference is to have sweet nothings whispered into their ears Smiley
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July 22, 2017, 04:22:21 PM

Although some Americans can dectect the dishonesty, the majority are unable to.  Given than Bernie was a legit candidate and Trump still got elected is a reflection of the American people. They're not ready for an honest leader yet. Preference is to have sweet nothings whispered into their ears Smiley

You are hiding the truth. Bernie could have been the president. But who derailed his campaign? If the democrat primaries were conducted in an honest way, then he would have secured his nomination as the presidential nominee. But in many of the battleground states, the Hillary supporters rigged the polls and intimidated the Sanders supporters from voting. You can't blame Trump for all this.
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July 22, 2017, 05:09:19 PM

Hate to post on such a large thread but the thing here is that a lot of the 'fact checking' is usually just saying that the person was just a little wrong on what they said and then they'll use the pants on fire thing, if these people weren't puppets of the DNC you'd see that Clinton would also be in the 80 percent area, maybe even 90 percent for the amount of shit that she says that is completely false.

Take the senate hearing that she had to go through, she lied like a rug there and should've been hung for it-- she wasn't and no one cares about when the Clinton's do stuff that is wrong.

I hated Trump, but I don't think that 80% of his speech is lie. He became a worthy President

I like Trump, and I'll agree with you on the latter.

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July 22, 2017, 06:20:03 PM

Although some Americans can dectect the dishonesty, the majority are unable to.  Given than Bernie was a legit candidate and Trump still got elected is a reflection of the American people. They're not ready for an honest leader yet. Preference is to have sweet nothings whispered into their ears Smiley

You are hiding the truth. Bernie could have been the president. But who derailed his campaign? If the democrat primaries were conducted in an honest way, then he would have secured his nomination as the presidential nominee. But in many of the battleground states, the Hillary supporters rigged the polls and intimidated the Sanders supporters from voting. You can't blame Trump for all this.

Yeah the DNC conspiring with Clinton against Sanders was a factor as well, with no consequence other than Debbie getting a promotion lol.  But again, Clinton is a pathological liar, and she still has a significant backing by the American population.  Another factor is super delegates, which allows manipulation.  If you read my reply, there is no mention of "blaming Trump" for anything.  His job was to get elected and he accomplished that.

A population that seriously lacks awareness is how you end up with Clinton vs. Trump for leadership.  Both don't give half a shit about the American people.  Honest people simply won't make it in this type of political environment.  It's all about who can lie the best.
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July 22, 2017, 07:11:04 PM

It's funny when you look at the studies people will believe what they want to when it comes to politics. For some reason, if you believe that grass is blue and a politician tells you lies to support that grass is indeed blue then you will listen to that. When another person challenges those beliefs and says hey - I think the grass is green actually. You will ignore them despite all science and research suggesting indeed that grass is green. Silly example only goes so far so don't take it for more than it is Smiley

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July 22, 2017, 07:55:45 PM

Yeah the DNC conspiring with Clinton against Sanders was a factor as well, with no consequence other than Debbie getting a promotion lol.  But again, Clinton is a pathological liar, and she still has a significant backing by the American population.  Another factor is super delegates, which allows manipulation.  If you read my reply, there is no mention of "blaming Trump" for anything.  His job was to get elected and he accomplished that.

Hillary enjoys strong support from certain racial and economic classes, such as the African Americans, LGBTs, radical feminists, illegal immigrants, Muslims.etc. But her problem was that she couldn't attract many votes from outside these blocs, despite the fact that Trump was one of the weakest candidates the GOP ever put up in a presidential election.
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July 23, 2017, 11:11:47 AM

I have never voted because I believe that all politicians are liars and puppets. No politician speaks the truth before the elections, they only entice people to come to power and enrich themselves.
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July 23, 2017, 07:24:11 PM

Aren't all politicians liars anyway?
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July 23, 2017, 07:24:51 PM

i didnt vote and never vote
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July 23, 2017, 11:16:39 PM

True or not people will never stop making mistakes or following what they don't know. I think it's damn easy to make people obey false leaders.
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July 24, 2017, 01:20:25 AM

Aren't all politicians liars anyway?

In elections, you need to select the least evil candidate out there. That is the reason why Trump won, although he was not very popular with the voters. He was perceived to be more honest and less evil, when compared to Hillary.   ▄████████████████████████████████████▄
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July 24, 2017, 04:54:35 AM

Yeah the DNC conspiring with Clinton against Sanders was a factor as well, with no consequence other than Debbie getting a promotion lol.  But again, Clinton is a pathological liar, and she still has a significant backing by the American population.  Another factor is super delegates, which allows manipulation.  If you read my reply, there is no mention of "blaming Trump" for anything.  His job was to get elected and he accomplished that.

Hillary enjoys strong support from certain racial and economic classes, such as the African Americans, LGBTs, radical feminists, illegal immigrants, Muslims.etc. But her problem was that she couldn't attract many votes from outside these blocs, despite the fact that Trump was one of the weakest candidates the GOP ever put up in a presidential election.

I'm assuming that illegal immigrants don't get to vote, so their support doesn't matter.  LGBT I'm not sure about either...she's been against gay marriage until like 2013 when it was no longer popular, and then made the switch like the demagogue she is.  Trump was weak I agree, but Hillary was weak shit too.  This was an election of choosing the lesser of 2 evils.  Trump got votes from people that just hate Hillary and vice versa aside from legit supporters.

Given Sanders, Clinton and Trump, there should be an overwhelming landslide for Sanders, but that's not the case.  I get the elite corporate interests wouldn't want that, but they have a small % of the votes.  The thing is they're able to convince the general uninformed population, who have tons of votes.  Until a significant % of the population wakes up, I don't see why this would ever change.
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