Hello, I just discovered and read about bitcoin today! I've read a lot about bitcoin and how it works, but I'd like to get some personal help on how to get started mining, do I just need to download it and just keep it running on my PC?
If anyone with AIM is willing to help me get this setup I'll gladly send half of my first block made to you to spoon feed me directions.
My laptop was bought around 3 years ago costing me over $1,000, so I'm sure its still decent enough to make some profit.
Unfortunately probably not.
Laptops have integrated video cards, which serve a great purpose, but do not do well with the specialized needs of bitcoin.
If you are still willing to kick in some hashing power to the network, check out the "poclbm" mining program and the btcguild.com pool. Create a shortcut to the program as described by BTCguilds FAQ, and see what you get.
If you're getting under 10000Khash/sec (10Mhash) its probably not electrically efficient to do make money off it. Im no genius with laptop power consumption though,