Hi guys, is there a specific reason why there are no solid pools for this? Not a "standard" X11? I can give a crack at it if anyone can help point me in the right direction
Edit: "right direction" meaning if not standard, then what needs to be changed - what's the main reason we don't have one up and running right now?
There's been a pool running since the 6th. If you'd like help setting up your own pool check out the ANN thread here
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2700133.msg27596850#msg27596850 for info on how we run ours, and links to the Help Desk on telegram or the primary Discord server and we'll gladly help you get one up and running with an older payout model like PPS, PPLNS or PROP.
Meanwhile, feel free to point your miners at ours and see what you think of the pay per hour method we're using.
The only thing we can't help you with is the code's inherent issues with proper block reporting and autopayouts, but we can help you get a running pool that you'll have to manually payout from until you can manage to figure out how to get the autopayout system working. When we figure it out we'll be uploading the code for our pool to github so anyone can use it.
Our pool has been working and receiving block rewards consistently since Jan. 6th once I figured out what was necessary to get it operational. The pool uses a nomp/unomp hybrid currently, but will have an entirely new front end based on the hourly pay scale.
We've paid out 1285 PEPE so far to 30something miners altogether, so there's definitely been a working pool for some time now, not sure how ya missed it, but now ya know, and we definitely want more pools out there to help strengthen this awesome coin!