Show me one useful dapp that is not in beta that your average person on the street can use. Provide reasons why they would use a dapp instead of a regular app say a ipad.
The tech itself has ONLY just come out of BETA!! Your very same question was similarly asked in the 90's about the Internet. Read the white and yellow papers engage your brain and begin to imagine the possibilities.
FAIL ..EPIC fucking FAIL !
- App's are not new.
- No the same question was not asked in the 90's because App's was not a thing yet.
- Comparison to the Internet is even more stupid that comparing ETH to Bitcoin.
- White papers are a stolen term from a regulated market with Laws and don't apply here.
Saying that market jargon implies some legitimacy when their is none.
What is stopping me from creating a Pyramid scheme coin and making a white paper for it ?
- He did engage his brain and asked the same question i have a couple times already.
I think it's a great question with no real answer yet.
- Why do we need or should expect "DAPP's" to be used by the larger general masses ?
The technical response is "
imagine the possibilities"
That is so bad of an answer i really hope you are embarrassed for *trying* to sound smart. (with a snotty tone)
Minecahe you have not said one thing here that is true, honest, fair or vaguely smart.
You might want to abandon your little ETH spamming Noob account here and then
log into one of your others.. or start yet ANOTHER one.
And ETH team i REALLY hope you did not hire this guy to spam here..
If you did ?
..get a refund
I have heard guys say in crypto soooooo many times that "marketers" are more important than dev's.
How is that marketing degree workin' out for ya shill's ?
ya uhh i went too college so i can post spam / hype messages on an internet message board.. for a scam coin. ROFL