Activity: 910
Merit: 1000
April 09, 2016, 04:34:00 AM |
I don't see markets who accept this coin? It is very very new coin for me, i will see the proggess for this coin before i trade it, i always becareful with new coin it is for anticipation shitcoin.
April 09, 2016, 02:40:58 PM |
1. Foundation debatingDays 0 addDelegator 8:user(totalDelegators: '9') 2. newBudget recipient=user5(5 ether) amount=5e20 date= 2 description=500 executeDays=5 3. voteBudget position: user1=0x02 user2=0x02 user3=0x02 user4=0x02 user5=0x02 user6=0x02 user7=0x01 user8=0x01 4. passBudget 5. confirmBudget user5 6. tickBudget:user1=0x05 user2=0x05 user3=0x05 user4=0x01 user5=0x01 user6=0x05 user7=0x01 user8=0x01 7. budgetPayment found 3 bugs: 1. Edit starting Parameters Add new account(max: 2. state: '6',Rebuild scenario 3. add 8 users, but show 9 budgets: [{ amount: '500000000000000000000', confirmDate: '1460174143', createdBy: '0', creationDate: '1460174134', data: '0x3200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', description: '500', executeDays: '5', recipient: '0x9fa2259e41f7817d13d686f3e533bebfbfe890b5', state: '6', votes: '0x0700070707070701010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' } ], founder: '0x38f388fadf4a6a35c61c3f88194ec5ae162c8944', maxDelegators: '9', numBudgets: '1', totalDelegators: '9' } thanks. i will check it. By the way sent a PM with my skype account, so you can send the test files( .mix, which is in the folder ) to me.
April 09, 2016, 09:12:54 PM |
please info for solo mining with windows?
April 10, 2016, 03:56:55 AM |
please info for solo mining with windows?
here is reply, hope it can help I have done a installer for mine easy in Windows 1 - Download and install it:!blhEnDjJ!Vz2KleI8YQzdaaS5AB1lG6ysOwVk_eH486vuLhxmPkA2 - Go to you desktop run "1 - Crear Wallet" chosse a password, and repeat it. 3 - Go to you desktop and this time run "2 - Iniciar Nodo", wait to download the blockchain. 4 - Go to you destop and run "3 - Minar" and now you are mining UTH.
April 10, 2016, 03:58:58 AM |
1. Foundation debatingDays 0 addDelegator 8:user(totalDelegators: '9') 2. newBudget recipient=user5(5 ether) amount=5e20 date= 2 description=500 executeDays=5 3. voteBudget position: user1=0x02 user2=0x02 user3=0x02 user4=0x02 user5=0x02 user6=0x02 user7=0x01 user8=0x01 4. passBudget 5. confirmBudget user5 6. tickBudget:user1=0x05 user2=0x05 user3=0x05 user4=0x01 user5=0x01 user6=0x05 user7=0x01 user8=0x01 7. budgetPayment found 3 bugs: 1. Edit starting Parameters Add new account(max: 2. state: '6',Rebuild scenario 3. add 8 users, but show 9 budgets: [{ amount: '500000000000000000000', confirmDate: '1460174143', createdBy: '0', creationDate: '1460174134', data: '0x3200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', description: '500', executeDays: '5', recipient: '0x9fa2259e41f7817d13d686f3e533bebfbfe890b5', state: '6', votes: '0x0700070707070701010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' } ], founder: '0x38f388fadf4a6a35c61c3f88194ec5ae162c8944', maxDelegators: '9', numBudgets: '1', totalDelegators: '9' } 2 bugs fixed, and below is the new contract. contract Foundation {
uint8 public maxDelegators; uint8 public totalDelegators; address public founder; uint public debatingDays; uint public numBudgets; Budget[] public budgets; Delegator[] public delegators;
struct Delegator { address addr; uint amount; bytes32 bitcointalkId; }
struct Budget { address recipient; uint amount; bytes32 data; string description; uint creationDate; uint confirmDate; uint executeDays; uint8 createdBy; //delegator id; State state; bytes votes; // byte0: vote of delegator 0 //mapping (address => uint8) voted; } /* Created : member create a budget Active: a member pro or con the bugdet within debatingDays( default =10 days) Vetoed: over half of members against the budget, so budget was vetoed Passed: over half pro the budget, passed th budget Pending: after the recipient of the budget confirm the budget Success: after the recipient has finished the job, over half of members agree a payment Failed: recipient didnt finished the work in setting time */ enum State { Created, Active, Vetoed, Passed, Pending, Success, Failed }
event BudgetAdded(uint budgetID, address recipient, uint amount, bytes32 data, string description); event BudgetVoted(uint budgetID, address voter, byte position); event BudgetTallied(uint budgetID, uint8 reult, State state); event BudgetConfirmed(uint budgetID, address recipient, State state); event BudgetTicked(uint budgetID, address delegator, byte position); event BudgetPaid(uint budgetID, uint8 tickDelegatorNum, uint amount);
struct Vote { uint8 position; address voter; }
function Foundation(uint8 _maxDelegators, uint _debatingDays, bytes32 _bitcointalkId) { founder = msg.sender; maxDelegators = _maxDelegators;// || 5; debatingDays = _debatingDays * 1 days;// || 10 days; numBudgets = 0; totalDelegators =0; addDelegator(msg.sender, _bitcointalkId); }
/* in the beginning, Creator adds the delegator in the future, user will select delegators */ function addDelegator(address _addr, bytes32 _bitcointalkId) returns (uint8 ) { if ( msg.sender == founder && totalDelegators <= maxDelegators && totalDelegators >0) { bool found = false; for (uint i = 0; i < totalDelegators; ++i) { if (delegators[i].addr == _addr) { found =true; break; } } if (!found) { delegators.push(Delegator(_addr,_addr.balance,_bitcointalkId)); totalDelegators++; } } if ( _addr == founder && totalDelegators ==0) { delegators.push(Delegator(_addr,_addr.balance,_bitcointalkId)); totalDelegators++; } return totalDelegators; }
function getDelegator(uint8 _delegatorId) returns (address) { address addr =msg.sender; if ( _delegatorId < totalDelegators) { addr = delegators[_delegatorId].addr; } return addr; }
modifier onlyDelegator() { bool founded =false; for (uint8 i = 0; i < delegators.length; ++i) { if (msg.sender == delegators[i].addr) { founded = true; break; } } if (!founded) throw; _ }
function getDelegatorId(address _addr) internal returns (uint8) { uint8 delegatorId = maxDelegators; for (uint8 i = 0; i < delegators.length; ++i) { if (_addr == delegators[i].addr) { delegatorId = i; return delegatorId; } } }
function newBudget(address _recipient, uint _amount, bytes32 _data, string _description, uint _executeDays) onlyDelegator returns (uint ) { uint budgetID = budgets.length; //bytes memory v ; //v[0] =0x0; budgets.push(Budget({recipient: _recipient, amount: _amount, data: _data, description: _description, creationDate: now, state: State.Created, executeDays: _executeDays * 1 days,confirmDate: 0, createdBy: 0, votes: '' })); //budgets.push(Budget({recipient: _recipient, amount: _amount, data: _data, description: _description, creationDate: now, state: State.Created, executeDays: _executeDays,confirmDate: 0, createdBy: 0, votes: v })); numBudgets = budgetID+1; BudgetAdded(budgetID, _recipient, _amount, _data, _description); return budgetID; }
/* 0x01= con , 0x02 =pro */ function voteBudget(uint _budgetID, byte _position) onlyDelegator returns (uint voteID) { Budget b = budgets[_budgetID]; uint8 delegatorId; if ( (_position ==1 || _position ==2) && (b.state == State.Active || b.state == State.Created ) ) { delegatorId = getDelegatorId(msg.sender); if (delegatorId >= maxDelegators ) return;
/* have first vote, budget active*/ if ( b.state != State.Active ) { b.state = State.Active; b.votes.length = 32; b.votes[delegatorId] = b.votes[delegatorId] & 0x0; } b.votes[delegatorId] = _position; BudgetVoted(_budgetID, msg.sender, _position); } }
function passBudget(uint _budgetID) returns (uint8 proDelegatorNum, State state) { Budget b = budgets[_budgetID]; /* Check if debating period is over */ if (now > (b.creationDate + debatingDays) && b.state == State.Active ){ proDelegatorNum = 0; /* tally the votes */ for (uint i = 0; i < b.votes.length; ++i) { if (b.votes[i] == 2) ++proDelegatorNum; } /* execute result */ if (proDelegatorNum >= (totalDelegators+1)/2 ) { b.state = State.Passed; } else { b.state = State.Vetoed; } BudgetTallied(_budgetID, proDelegatorNum, b.state); } }
function confirmBudget(uint _budgetID) returns (State result) { Budget b = budgets[_budgetID]; if ( msg.sender == b.recipient && b.state == State.Passed ){ b.state = State.Pending; b.confirmDate = now; BudgetConfirmed(_budgetID, b.recipient, b.state); result = b.state; } //result = b.state }
/* 1= pro, 2 = con, 5= tick, delegators who voted the budget can tick it ,then payment will happen */ function tickBudget(uint _budgetID, byte _position) onlyDelegator returns (byte) { Budget b = budgets[_budgetID]; uint8 delegatorId; if ( b.state == State.Pending && _position == 5 ) { delegatorId = getDelegatorId(msg.sender); if (delegatorId >= maxDelegators ) return byte(delegatorId); if (b.votes[delegatorId] >=5) return b.votes[delegatorId] ; b.votes[delegatorId] = b.votes[delegatorId] | _position; /* have a vote, budget active*/ BudgetTicked(_budgetID, msg.sender, _position); } }
function budgetPayment(uint _budgetID) returns (uint8 winDelegatorNum, State result) { Budget b = budgets[_budgetID]; uint8 tickDelegatorNum = 0; uint8 vetoDelegatorNum = 0; winDelegatorNum =0;
/* Check if executeDays is not overtime */ if ( b.state == State.Pending) { if ( now <= b.confirmDate + b.executeDays ){ /* how many delegator agreed the payment */ for (uint i = 0; i < b.votes.length; ++i) { if ( b.votes[i] >= 5) ++tickDelegatorNum; else if ( b.votes[i] >= 1) ++vetoDelegatorNum; } /* total of agreed is bigger than 1/2 delegators, will pay to recipient */ if (tickDelegatorNum >= (totalDelegators+1)/2 ) { b.state = State.Success; winDelegatorNum = tickDelegatorNum; b.recipient.send(b.amount); BudgetPaid(_budgetID, tickDelegatorNum, b.amount); } if (vetoDelegatorNum >= (totalDelegators+1)/2 ) { b.state = State.Failed; winDelegatorNum = vetoDelegatorNum; } } else b.state = State.Failed; } result = b.state; } }
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1000
April 10, 2016, 06:42:29 AM |
Will this be on any exchanges?
April 10, 2016, 07:54:04 AM |
please info for solo mining with windows?
here is reply, hope it can help I have done a installer for mine easy in Windows 1 - Download and install it:!blhEnDjJ!Vz2KleI8YQzdaaS5AB1lG6ysOwVk_eH486vuLhxmPkA2 - Go to you desktop run "1 - Crear Wallet" chosse a password, and repeat it. 3 - Go to you desktop and this time run "2 - Iniciar Nodo", wait to download the blockchain. 4 - Go to you destop and run "3 - Minar" and now you are mining UTH. how to check balance?
April 10, 2016, 08:26:25 AM |
exchange for this?
April 10, 2016, 09:23:14 AM |
why a clone of ETH?
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
April 10, 2016, 03:19:51 PM |
You have a exchange in mind?
uthercoin (OP)
Activity: 47
Merit: 0
April 11, 2016, 02:49:36 AM |
You have a exchange in mind?
will sent requests to, any suggestion?
uthercoin (OP)
Activity: 47
Merit: 0
April 11, 2016, 04:03:08 AM |
why a clone of ETH?
ethereum is a new technology, for the smart contracts, and uther is a chance to begin with the new. we can make ethereum better!
April 11, 2016, 05:07:07 AM |
Can mining use CPU?
Activity: 2688
Merit: 1240
April 11, 2016, 05:44:23 AM |
suprnova pools - reliable mining pools - #suprnova on freenet - FOLLOW us @ Twitter !
April 11, 2016, 09:25:25 AM |
Can mining use CPU?
New Account: create SECURE password and enter twice ./geth console to start mining in console: miner.start() to stop mining in console: miner.stop()
April 11, 2016, 10:17:15 AM |
i will mining some coin and hope i will can sell them good price
April 11, 2016, 11:19:52 AM |
Hi, is Uther on any exchange yet?
Activity: 1311
Merit: 1003
April 11, 2016, 11:55:56 AM |