I'm new to bitcoin. I googled/searched to see if this was a known problem, but most hits I found dealt with people who
had received 0 blocks. I'm using a Mac Pro, OSX 10.6.7, bitcoin 0.3.21-beta.
I installed bitcoin and started it. Some hours later, I noticed all my CPUs were active
with bitcoin. But ... a few minutes later, I noticed it had 129687 blocks and it was now using no CPU
and said "not connected".
I stopped/restarted bitcoin several times, no change ... still "not connected".
(Yes, checked "Generate" after each restart.)
Since I was originally working fine, I can assume there's no firewall problem
(and we made no local network changes today
Is this a known problem (e.g., is there a limited supply of blocks that can lead to half-hour or
longer pauses in bitcoin)?