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Author Topic: HYIP: Are there any benefits?  (Read 4553 times)
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April 16, 2016, 05:14:29 AM

No way, I say this base on my experience, invested to HYIP before when I was a newbie in bitcoin. Was able to collect daily earnings but all of the sudden the admin is gone and take all my BTCs. very bad experience that will never let on happening again.

STAY AWAY! on that kind.

All these sites are 100% scam sites because they way they offer the interest rate on daily basis is impossible to get with any kind of business. So they are offering these attractive interest rates just to collect more deposits as soon as possible to close the site and want to open another one with different theme. Do not ever fall on these traps and lose your hard earned money. It is worst then gambling because in gambling at least you will get some fun but here nothing.
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April 16, 2016, 05:20:42 AM

Usually hyip will makes you bankrupt, most of hyip is a scam, dont tempted by its big earning, stay away from ponzi and hyip if you are still loves your bitcoin
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April 16, 2016, 05:29:01 AM

If you're getting daily earning from an HYIP or a ponzi, probably that's not your actual interest. Its  someone's investment.
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April 16, 2016, 05:35:24 AM

Yes, here are some of my opinion , referrals deposit which we can get some profit especially if big amounts ,easy money can doubled 2days to 30 days 200% to 500% roi depends on the HYIP time frame.

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rudimentaryinc (OP)
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Activity: 20
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April 17, 2016, 02:29:19 AM

I was not looking to invest but to create one but based on the replies and research I will be creating a faucet instead. It's going to be less earnings but at least I know more about it.
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Activity: 1106
Merit: 1000

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April 17, 2016, 04:40:23 AM

Yes, here are some of my opinion , referrals deposit which we can get some profit especially if big amounts ,easy money can doubled 2days to 30 days 200% to 500% roi depends on the HYIP time frame.

Yes this absolute right, we can earn from referrals without risk. Thanks for the input I have not done is before instead I invested and eventually lost my investments due to the pyramid scams.
Offline Offline

Activity: 2072
Merit: 1015

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April 17, 2016, 05:06:28 AM

You can just have a profit in HYIP if the site is newly open. They will pay some of their first investor in order to attract more investor after that they will turn into scam. Dont make a ponzi site its better to be fair on others.
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Be nice!

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April 17, 2016, 05:23:13 AM

You can just have a profit in HYIP if the site is newly open. They will pay some of their first investor in order to attract more investor after that they will turn into scam. Dont make a ponzi site its better to be fair on others.
I agreed to you and most newly open HYIP sites pays for the first week but sometimes they dont really need a lot of investors on their site and all they want is big investments and that's why they sometimes closes their site before anyone gets paid especially when someone invested big after the sites open up.




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April 17, 2016, 05:30:59 AM

You can just have a profit in HYIP if the site is newly open. They will pay some of their first investor in order to attract more investor after that they will turn into scam. Dont make a ponzi site its better to be fair on others.
I agreed to you and most newly open HYIP sites pays for the first week but sometimes they dont really need a lot of investors on their site and all they want is big investments and that's why they sometimes closes their site before anyone gets paid especially when someone invested big after the sites open up.

The payment that you get from them in the first time you invest was just a bait so that you can invest more and invite others and after that they have many investor then they will just stop and closed the site.
Offline Offline

Activity: 1106
Merit: 1000

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April 18, 2016, 03:56:09 AM

You can just have a profit in HYIP if the site is newly open. They will pay some of their first investor in order to attract more investor after that they will turn into scam. Dont make a ponzi site its better to be fair on others.
I agreed to you and most newly open HYIP sites pays for the first week but sometimes they dont really need a lot of investors on their site and all they want is big investments and that's why they sometimes closes their site before anyone gets paid especially when someone invested big after the sites open up.

The payment that you get from them in the first time you invest was just a bait so that you can invest more and invite others and after that they have many investor then they will just stop and closed the site.

That is called pyramid scam and you will never benefit from it unless you are in the top of the pyramid.
Offline Offline

Activity: 1050
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April 18, 2016, 04:10:52 AM

You can just have a profit in HYIP if the site is newly open. They will pay some of their first investor in order to attract more investor after that they will turn into scam. Dont make a ponzi site its better to be fair on others.
I agreed to you and most newly open HYIP sites pays for the first week but sometimes they dont really need a lot of investors on their site and all they want is big investments and that's why they sometimes closes their site before anyone gets paid especially when someone invested big after the sites open up.

The payment that you get from them in the first time you invest was just a bait so that you can invest more and invite others and after that they have many investor then they will just stop and closed the site.

That is called pyramid scam and you will never benefit from it unless you are in the top of the pyramid.
the final word HYIP = scam , i don't agree if people call HYIP as gambling.
so who want to earn from scam way? there is no benefit at all.
gambling on casino much more better than do waiting new HYIP site coming to scam you.
Offline Offline

Activity: 1106
Merit: 1000

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April 19, 2016, 07:48:03 AM

You can just have a profit in HYIP if the site is newly open. They will pay some of their first investor in order to attract more investor after that they will turn into scam. Dont make a ponzi site its better to be fair on others.
I agreed to you and most newly open HYIP sites pays for the first week but sometimes they dont really need a lot of investors on their site and all they want is big investments and that's why they sometimes closes their site before anyone gets paid especially when someone invested big after the sites open up.

The payment that you get from them in the first time you invest was just a bait so that you can invest more and invite others and after that they have many investor then they will just stop and closed the site.

That is called pyramid scam and you will never benefit from it unless you are in the top of the pyramid.
the final word HYIP = scam , i don't agree if people call HYIP as gambling.
so who want to earn from scam way? there is no benefit at all.
gambling on casino much more better than do waiting new HYIP site coming to scam you.
Well, HYIP is good if you can be the 1st investor and you can get your ROI before they will close. I also agree that gambling in casino is way more better that wasting our time with HYIP. It will only cause us emotional stress in the event we loss due to scam.
Offline Offline

Activity: 3052
Merit: 1006

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April 19, 2016, 08:06:41 AM

I've noticed there are a lot of hyip websites being promoted. Are there any benefits to running one? Which website(s) are the best to buy an HYIP website?
hyip websites only benefits for the owners but not for the investors because we can see many owners hyip sites has bring out investors money and vanished so i personally considers all hyip or related sites bad for me and bad for all because i had bad experience too regarding hyip and i would stay away from them
Sr. Member
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Activity: 476
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April 19, 2016, 08:35:11 AM

I've noticed there are a lot of hyip websites being promoted. Are there any benefits to running one? Which website(s) are the best to buy an HYIP website?
hyip websites only benefits for the owners but not for the investors because we can see many owners hyip sites has bring out investors money and vanished so i personally considers all hyip or related sites bad for me and bad for all because i had bad experience too regarding hyip and i would stay away from them

just like the dice that will only give advantage to the owner may be the only difference ponzi deceiving while the dice just a game using the money.
so better to avoid hyip

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Activity: 3878
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April 19, 2016, 08:40:57 AM

Saying that all HYIP are scams is incorrect there are maybe 1-2% of them out there that are legit however the only problem is that they pay very little . Pretty much no more then a regular savings account. The ones that promise 50% gain in 60 minutes are all scams.
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April 19, 2016, 12:44:13 PM

Saying that all HYIP are scams is incorrect there are maybe 1-2% of them out there that are legit however the only problem is that they pay very little. Pretty much no more then a regular savings account.

How can a website be called High-Yield Investment Program if the pay very little? Grin

And also why would people want to invest in sites that only pay just like a regular savings account when they can just time deposit their money in the bank where they assure 100% safety?

There's no point in paying hosting sites and creating a website just like that. Most investment sites' real objective is to runaway whenever they get their target money.

If you really do want to invest your money, I suggest you become a stockholder to a big company (well that's only if you've got enough money to invest in their company)

Offline Offline

Activity: 1358
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April 19, 2016, 02:20:31 PM

There are a lot of HYIPs and there will always be as long as people don't realise they are all scam sites, usually ponzi schemes.
They can pay for the first customers and for the sites which give reviews but then they will eventually stop paying.
Please don't put a single satoshi in them.

It depends, if the service or product that they are intending to sell is a success and it's legit, then it will be great for those that invested at the beginning. Then again, im not sure about the differences between IPO and HYIP.. I think im confused on those two terms, but it's basically invest at the beginning at get more rewards later due the risk of investing at the beginning, this is pretty much what happens in all investments.
Offline Offline

Activity: 1344
Merit: 1000

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April 19, 2016, 03:31:28 PM

There are a lot of HYIPs and there will always be as long as people don't realise they are all scam sites, usually ponzi schemes.
They can pay for the first customers and for the sites which give reviews but then they will eventually stop paying.
Please don't put a single satoshi in them.

It depends, if the service or product that they are intending to sell is a success and it's legit, then it will be great for those that invested at the beginning. Then again, im not sure about the differences between IPO and HYIP.. I think im confused on those two terms, but it's basically invest at the beginning at get more rewards later due the risk of investing at the beginning, this is pretty much what happens in all investments.

Sometimes even if you invest at the beginning, you will also lose money. I have seen HYIP closed because there were too little investor and the HYIP ran away with the initial funds. investing in HYIP is very risky as the owner can run away in anytime.


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Activity: 434
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April 19, 2016, 03:43:49 PM

I've noticed there are a lot of hyip websites being promoted. Are there any benefits to running one? Which website(s) are the best to buy an HYIP website?

HYIP is really benefit to running, but for what i know HYIP always ended scam. So if you want try to running one HYIP, you can try look at popular HYIP. see their website and the plan for each investment.
Offline Offline

Activity: 1834
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April 19, 2016, 03:44:27 PM

If you're getting daily earning from an HYIP or a ponzi, probably that's not your actual interest. Its  someone's investment.

There is no way you could get daily earning from HYIP. May be you can but that is only some that really pay you out but it is not as much as your investment. Most of them will pay you gradually but you need to wait longer time which mean they just use your money as their needs. If they earn some they will pay you if not they will just go away like that. There is no one could invest in something like this
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