February 13, 2013, 06:19:20 PM Last edit: February 13, 2013, 06:33:56 PM by Anon136 |
Cash deposit into bank account is by far the least reversible payment method.
Let me know what banks you use and ill see how far away they are.
If we decide to make a trade i will post an order on bitmit (where i have a strong reputation). You send the coins to bitmit escrow and i will drive to the bank and deposit the cash. You can feel secure because you know tosaki will rule in your favor unless i can produce a receipt, and i will not be able to produce a receipt unless i send the funds. Or if you prefer we can use an arbitrator of your chosing if he is trusted in the community.
pm me to work out the specifics.
as a side note, why dont more people use this method? it seems so obvious. almost no fees almost no risk to either party.