Now I removed my signature and sent a message for lutpin but he didn't reply. I hope he will be here.
You've waited an awesome hour after messaging me, I'm not online as much these days.
some of us have a life which means we can not play kindergardner 24/7 on btct.
What can I do if he didn't reply my message
The only
two things that you can usually do is:
3) Be a little patient and wait.
You simply have to negotiate with Luptin.
It's Lu
tpin, nice to meet you.
I was under the impression that lutpin isn't giving negative trust for ponzi supporters anymore.
There's a difference between the
scum quality users that
advertise discuss ponzi schemes Investor-based games in their own
hellhole subforum And those who advertise them in their signature, displayed under
each and every post, regardless of the section they post in.
Anyway, you should try to discuss the issue with Lutpin, ~snip~
Word, however, for a discussion you need two parties.
What doesn't work is shooting me a message, waiting an hour, and then creating a thread saying 'doesn't reply to my messages'.