Thanks, I will check it later today on Testnet (of course).
There were problems right from the first start:
1. New client does not recognize testnet=1 over bitcoin.conf file. Using -testnet over command line helped but then ...
2. New client failed to recognize testnet datadir (testnet3) is a subdirectory of datadir root so it shocked me a bit to see 0 coins and no blockchain
downloaded. To solve issue, I had to copy all data from testnet3 subdirectory to datadir root (are we getting testnet4 maybe?).
3. Once all was set and ready to go, I noticed "Tree mode" checkboxes are not working properly. If there is one unspent input on some address and
I click on checkbox to select that address, checkbox will turn into partially selected state, as if there are more than one unspent input but not all of
them are selected. If I expand that tree I can see both checkboxes have partially selected state, which is totally hmm given that unspent input itself
has that state as well, as if part of it is selected (not really possible). shows incorrect state of checkboxes after
user clicks once on address checkbox (top 2 cases, unexpanded and expanded tree) and how it should look like regardless of the number of unspent
inputs on that address (bottom 2 cases, unexpanded and expanded tree).
If address checkbox is not selected, expanding the tree and clicking on unspent input checkbox turns both checkboxes to fully selected state, as it all
is supposed to work with this scenario. In short, if some tree is not expanded and user clicks on address checkbox, that checkbox and checkboxes of
all unspent inputs at that address should become fully selected, not partialy.
4. Problem as explained earlier (post on previous page) still exists. BTC were selected and 25 BTC sent to Testnet3 faucet (mimoZNLcP2rrMRgdeX5PSnR7AjCqQveZZ4) leaving to wallet to create a new address for
change. Remaining 25 BTC ended up on that address and are shown properly as child of original address (mfaULtk7AFHCSBefQKZo6AiLzqktJEwm2Z). 50 BTC were selected and 25 BTC sent to Testnet3 faucet but this time I created new address (mq9TuNTCVhGzcYQGv7RWiKhcHnwUBt5tC3),
named it "Test" and used it as a change destination. As you can see from screenshot posted above, remaining 25 BTC were sent to that address but
they did not ended up shown as a child of original address but as a normal unspent input. some thinking and given options which Coin Control provides I just don't see how it all can be fixed. With few unspent inputs on few different
addresses it seems that correct visual representation of taints could easily become a horror or even impossible.
5. Not related to Coin Control but annoying, there is no "Copy address" upon right-clicking some receiving address nor address itself is shown
To see receiving address user must double-click on address row to pop-up window with QR code. Then to copy address it takes to double-click it so
it becomes selected and then right-click > Copy or CTRL+C (this is starting to remind me of Microsoft "genius" changes to WinOS and other software). version v0.9.0.0-gd6e0e17-beta on Win7 64-bit.