What proof do you have that you won't charge back? Being a newbie does not help your chances of getting this trade, by the way. Scammers can charge back, make a new account, and do it again.
If you're just going to accuse him of being a scammer, you might as well not post. No one who does these exchanges is stupid enough to not know when they shouldn't do an exchange. It's obvious that you're just boosting your post count, and this is the currency exchange section so if you aren't going to help, then don't post at all. @OP; try these sites. Paxful (amounts like $15 won't need ID if you find a good seller), Wesellcrypto ($15 is the max for non-ID accounts. Takes a few hours to get verified on there), or you can buy a GYFT or AMAZON code and sell it @ 1:1 or something close to that rate as it's safer for the BTC seller and they will be assured that you will not chargeback.